The Story Of A Girl That Used To Be A Boy

Okay, even I'm not sure what just happened. One minute, I was in a hospital bed, dying and now I'm a baby? Just what is going on? Apparently my name is now Nova. What an odd name.

"Oh my, are you crying?" asked a mature-looking woman with shoulder-length purple hair and red eyes.

I guess I'm sad about what happened to me in the hospital. Two leave my two friends behind like that, all thanks to that stupid illness.

"It's alright." the woman said, "Your big sister will take care of you."

Sister? But I was an only child. What's going on? I try to stop my tears and look around. Why does it look a little girl's room? Wait... did I become a girl? What's going on? I thought you died and then went to heaven or hell so why did this happen to me?

"It seems you've calmed down." the woman said, putting me back in my crib.

Over the next few years, I was able to learn some things. My name is no longer Gabe Rask. I am now a girl named Nova Neville who lives with her older sister, Clara. Our parents seem to have died a long time ago. I did inherit some things from my past life though. It seems I still have white hair and green eyes. The only real difference is my hair is longer now.

So basically, I died and was reincarnated as a girl. Not only that, it seems that I'm not the same world I was in originally. At first glance, it seems the same as the one I was from, but there's one major difference: people can use magic here. My sister's magic seems to be really powerful. At least, that's what people I've run into in this world say. I have yet to see her use magic.

"Why don't you go play outside?" suggested Clara.

"O-okay." I responded.

I wasn't able to go out much in my past life, so I guess I should take advantage of my new body. So, I went outside and looked for something to do. I ended up living in a pretty small neighborhood, so I often end up seeing a lot of the same people, but I never really talked to them. I kinda just continued to do my own thing. I knew I needed to make some friends in this world, but no one could replace the ones I had in my past life.

The only real plus to all this is the fact that I'm not suffering from any kind of illness. But to be in the body of a girl and having to start life over as a newborn, that was a bit much. However, I knew there was no changing things. I was just going to have to go on like this, whether I liked it or not.

"Do you always play alone?" a voice said.

I looked up to see a young girl with green hair and blue eyes.

"Huh?" I said.

"Isn't that kinda lonely?" she asked.

"I'm... fine." I said.

"Don't be like that." the girl said, "What's your name? I'm Rose."

"N-Nova." I answered.

"You have white hair." commented Rose.

"I-is there a problem with that?" I responded.

"No." she said, "I just haven't seen anyone else with white hair."

"Is it that uncommon?" I asked.

"Can I play with you?" asked Rose.

"S-sure." I said.

This is how the two of us became friends. We often ended up in the same classes throughout elementary school. By this point, I had gotten used to my new life in this world and even my new gender. No matter how much time went by, I couldn't get rid of her, but it's not like I'd want to. I may have started to feel like I was finally fitting into this world, but there were still plenty of things that I didn't understand.

"Why is my hair white?" I asked my sister one night.

Honestly, it was probably because it was white in my past life, but... I just wanted to know if it meant anything.

"It's the way you were made." she answered.

Unfortunately, that was all that she would actually tell me. I also asked what happened to our parents multiple times, but she wouldn't ever give me the details. All I knew was they passed away. It really does suck that I was never able to meet my parents in this new world. I felt like I grew up pretty quickly and I never felt lonely having a kind sister like her around most of the time.

I usually stayed out of trouble, because well, I was like that in my past life. I didn't like to do anything bad because I knew if I did, bad things would happen to me. It seems my sister sometimes found it hard to believe that I didn't cause much trouble for her. I guess that's because I wasn't like the other kids. Middle school eventually came and went and I was able to start high school with Rose.

"I'm so nervous." said Rose as we walked to our destination.

I didn't respond.

"You don't seem nervous at all." commented Rose.

"Is that what it looks like?" I asked.

"It's almost as if... you've done this before" she said.

"Don't be ridiculous." I replied, "I was never a high school student until today."

That was a lie, actually.

"Yeah, you're right." she responded.

"So what kind of magic you plan on studying?" I asked.

"Healing magic." answered Rose.

"Why healing magic?"

"Why not?"

"That doesn't answer my question."

"What about you?"


"What kind of magic are you planning on studying?"

"I... don't know."

In this world, people didn't gain their magical powers until high school. Most people figure out by this point what type of magic they want to be able to use and more often than not, it's what they're the most compatible with. However, not everyone is able to make a decision and in that case, the teachers help them figure out what they're compatible with.

To no one's surprised, Rose and I were in the same class again. We even got to sit next to each other! The days went by as we took tests in class and went outside to work on our magical abilities. I wasn't really trying to stand out or anything but I ended up bringing a ton of attention to myself. Not only did I have a rare hair color, but I was able to perform everything I was asked pretty well.

"Okay, create a flame." I was instructed.

My sister never taught me anything about magic. She only told me that in high school, I would be taught how to use it and then I could decided if I wanted to continue using it. I always wondered what she meant by that. But we here in school, we learned how to actually activate it, which is why I hadn't used it previously. I held out my hand and a flame appeared above my palm.

My next instruction was to create an arrow and shoot it at a target. There were plenty of other things I had to do as well, like create an explosion far away, make animals appear, and even clone myself. At the end of the day, everyone recieved a paper and when I saw mine, I couldn't believe what I saw: I was compatible with ALL TYPES OF MAGIC.