She Came For Me

"W-what's going on!?" I exclaimed.

"Stay back, Nova." my mother said.

"So I guess you haven't told her." said Naomi.

"Told me what?" I responded, "I want to know what's going on!?"

"Ah ha ha," said Naomi, "your parents are very cruel, aren't they?"

"I... don't know what you're talking about." I replied.

"Enough!" my mother shouted, "We wanted to keep our daughter safe."

"Mom..." I said.

My mother than jumped out in front of Naomi and the next thing I knew she had a sword in her hand.

"W-where did you get a sword!?" I exclaimed.

"So, not only did you not tell her your true identities," said Naomi, "you didn't tell her you could use magic."

My parents... could use magic? But they're from this world, right? Magic shouldn't exist in this world. At least, not under normal circumstances.

"Shut up!" my mother replied, "We had our reasons."

The two of them were sword-fighting while I was just standing there, not sure of how to even react to the situation. The next thing I knew, my dad jumped out and was firing, two guns at her. However, lasers came out instead of bullets. I still stood there, confused as to what was even going on.

"So, now both of you are here." said Naomi.

"You won't be satisfied unless you can kill all three of us," said my father, "That's how it's always been."

"Shut up!" responded Naomi.

"Back then, your magic was never as good." he said, "And I bet it's still the same now!"

So both of them knew Naomi? How many things were these two hiding from me?

"Um... what's going on?" I said.

The fight just dragged on. Those three just kept battling each other and I didn't know what I should do. But I eventually got tired and shot some lasers out my hands. It seemed my parents had already tired her out since she didn't have the energy to continue fighting.

"Crap." she said, "Guess we'll have to finish this later."

With that, she ran off.

"What just happened?" I said, "What's going on?"

"I guess it's time." my father said.

"Time for what?" I replied.

"We'll tell you everything." my mother said.

"You were born several years ago and you've been sick since you were a kid." said my father.

"That's because you were born here instead of the other world." my mother said, "It was your magic that did this to you."

"Wait. I always had magic?" I responded.

"The reason we had you here was so that you couldn't be found." my father said, "We also hid your soul in a boy's body so that you'd be harder to find."

"Wait, I was always a girl?" I replied.

"That's right." my mother said, "We gave you a new body just because we thought you would be safer that way."

"However," my father said, "that in combination with your magic wasn't very good for you and it got you sick."

"We never told you any of this," my mother said, "because we didn't want you to worry. We didn't want you involved."

"However," my father said, "we knew you wouldn't last forever in this world. We knew you'd have to go back to our old world."

"Our... old world?" I replied.

"After you died, your soul was sent to your sister." my mother said, "We told her that she was going to have to take care of you eventually."

"You knew of Clara?" I responded.

"Why wouldn't we know of our oldest daughter?" my mother responded.

"W-what?" I said.

"She never talked about us, did she?" my father said.

"No." I said, "She never said much. Honestly, I don't even get all this."

"Long story short: you were always a girl, we hid your soul in a boy's body in another world to keep you safe." my mother said.

"When you put it like that, it still doesn't make a whole lot of sense." I replied.

"I guess." my mother said.

"This... is a bit much for me." I said.

"We understand." my mother replied.

Our conversation ended there. I had a lot to think about that night. So, I was actually a girl this entire time. That didn't make any sense. I lived so many years as a boy. Apparently, that body was only created because it would make me harder to find. And it was all done to keep me safe. I guess it was because I had really powerful magic.

Because of the magic and being put in a new body, I ended up being really sick. Maybe it's because that male body wasn't compatible with magic. In the end, these people that I had called my parents in my old life, are my parents in my new life too. I never saw that coming. What am I going to tell Oswin and Mary?


I really couldn't believe that I had my best friend back. I mean, he had previously died since it didn't really make sense. But I guess what made even less sense was the fact that he wasn't the same as he was before he died. After he died, he became a girl in another world. Now, he's come back to my world, but as a girl. God, this is so confusing. I stared up at the ceiling as I laid down in my bed.

"What should I do?" I said.

"Someone's calling you, Oswin." my mother said.

"Be right there." I replied.

I went downstairs and grabbed the phone from her.

"Hello?" I said.

"Oswin, I..." started Nova.

"Oh, it's you." I replied, taking the phone back to my room, "What's up?"

"It's just... something weird came up." said Nova.

"Like what?" I replied.

Then Nova told me some crazy story. Honestly, I had a hard time believing it. I had known Nova back when she was a guy but hearing that she was apparently a girl this whole time was a lot to take in. However, I'd experienced so many crazy things in just the past few months of high school, so it wasn't really that hard to believe her.

"Sounds like you've had a lot on your mind, huh?" I said.

"Y-yeah." she said, "T-thanks for listening."

"No problem." I said, "I'll always be here if you need my help with anything."

"I'll keep that in mind." responded Nova.

"Oswin, there's someone here looking for you!" my mother yelled.

"Oh, looks like I gotta go." I said, "Talk to you later."

"Alright, bye." she said.

Then we hung up and I went downstairs.

"When did you get so popular with women?" asked my mother.

I looked at who came to my house and could not believe my eyes. What the hell was Wendy doing here!?

"I've come to pick you up." she said.