Chapter 49

I take my personal phone from my pants pocket to check e-mail. I'm dressed in my normal BDUs with another loose T-shirt to cover my gun. The e-mails waiting are mostly junk with the exception of a possible client. The woman's name is Shirley and she references one of my first clients. I shoot back an answer asking when and where we can meet.

The car approaches the Sunnyslope area, and I give Philip Terry's address. I also decide being driven around isn't all bad. I'm in the middle of a hot game of Tower Defense on my cell when a message slides across the top of the screen that I have incoming e-mail. It's my prospective client, and I reply that four o'clock works perfectly in my schedule today. We pull into Terry's parking lot, and I open my door as soon as Philip parks the car. He takes his chauffeuring services seriously because he hustles around and gives me a glare after he lifts his dark shades.