Chapter 142: Dax

We're at the table and I've allowed Sofia here to talk to the officers and present her plan. It could actually work. She filled out the paperwork last night while I was cooling my heels in the wind.

"You lease me the property and I apply for the permits. I'm Latina-a minority and female. I don't have a criminal record. I can scream from here to next year if they refuse me those permits. Do you really give a fuck if my name is on the paperwork?"

She lays the papers out on the table.

"You think they'll give you the permits just because you're Latina?" AJ asks.

I bite my lip and let Sofia handle this.

"Don't get your white boy panties in a wad. There aren't many perks for having brown skin. This just so happens to be one of them. The government thinks Latinas are good at things besides cooking, cleaning, and fucking."

AJ raises his hands in surrender. "Not what I meant, but do you mind if I comment that you're damn good at two of those?"