Holy fuck I'm out of my league. The escorts I pay agree to my deviance. I'd go to jail if I picked up a woman in a bar and beat the fuck out of her. Melina begged and I delivered my soul on a platter for her taking. The fucking soul I didn't know I have.
Victor encouraged my sexual deviance. He fired the flames by providing women who could handle me. I paid exorbitant amounts of money to the escorts and they always came back for more. Everyone was happy, or so I made Victor believe. The truth is, I hated the women and only used them to relieve the pressure in my balls. I hated that I couldn't have a normal relationship.
Melina takes away the revulsion I've lived with since I was a teenager. I've only given her pain and darkness while taking so much. And still she wanted me and never shied away from the beast. Unafraid, she also trusted her life within my hands. The filthy hands of a killer.