From Melina's stories, Fernandez is obsessed with his appearance. She told me he showers and washes his hands constantly. He insists that each item of clothes he wears is starched and ironed. The gold chains he displays his wealth with are absent today, but his dark chest hair shows in the open vee at his throat surrounding the rolls of fat at his neck. Add his small, dark beady eyes and I want to puke.
When I don't immediately respond to his threat about removing my clothes, he waves the knife in front of my face to gain my attention. I glance down at my dripping wet skirt and blouse. The blouse and my bra are too sheer to offer cover now that they're wet. Losing my clothes might make Fernandez think I'm more defenseless and he'll be wrong. I'm more than willing to lose this small battle if it gives me a mental edge. I need to see Cori alive with my own eyes before I fight back.