Chapter 286: Moon

Madison is waiting in our room when I'm finished with a few security details. I was extremely proud of how she handled herself in the earlier meeting. It doesn't mean I'm not worried about what she's been through. Her turnaround has been too quick. It's possible she'll take a step backward and hide in the dark again. If I dare mention that she's delicate, I'll be sleeping with Two Dogs for the foreseeable future.

She's sitting on the bed staring at her toes and when she sees me, a small smile quirks her lips. "You've been very patient with me."

"I love you," I say simply and take her hand.

She looks away, which bothers me. "I need to tell you everything that happened," she whispers so low I almost don't make out the words. "I know I shouldn't be ashamed. My rational brain tells me this, but the irrational part is having trouble."