Chapter 21

Detective Sparks had gone back to the station with the new evidence, which she'd asked to be rushed. She knew it would take at least a couple of weeks to get any DNA results back from the cigarettes and she was hoping the blanket would give them something as well.

In the meantime she wasn't about to sit at her desk twiddling her thumbs though. With the new evidence and the statements from the widows Connors and Ivory she needed to get the ball rolling. "We're going back to Niall Davis."

"He's going to complain to the mayor again."

"Let him!" She was always amazed at how afraid her subordinates and others were at just the mention of the mayor's name. Where she came from people weren't so deferential to their local politicians; at least not on the surface.

The two of them went over the new evidence and their hopes that it would lead them somewhere. They were both tentatively crossing their fingers that this would be the boost they so badly needed to hold on to their case.