Chapter 25

By the time the police showed up at their door the O'Rourke's were at their breakfast table digging into the meal Eileen had prepared for them. The housekeeper slash cook was glad to see her mistress enjoying her food with such relish again.

These last few days since the murder the other woman has been off her food, barely picking at her meals. Now it looked like she was coming to terms with what had happened.

Riley wasn't too pleased to see them back at his door. He'd been hearing whispers even here on the farm and had had to dress down a couple of his guys for letting their tongues get away with them.

Somehow the rumor mill had got it into their heads that Sonya had been some kind of loose woman who was having an affair and that that's what had led to her being murdered. He blamed the two people who were now standing on his doorstep asking for entrance.

"I don't know how much more we can tell you detective." He moved out of the way and let them in but leaving no doubt that he wasn't pleased about them being there.

"Just a few follow up questions for you and your wife sir. Is she here?" Detective Sparks and officer Bailey stepped into the house and came to a stop in the living room while Riley headed back to the kitchen to get his wife.

Valerie showed surprise when she saw who it was that had come calling so early on a Saturday morning. "Good morning detective, officer, what can we do for you?" She seemed more welcoming than her husband who brooded as he looked on with his arms folded and a stern look on his face.

"Just a few follow up questions ma'am." Valerie walked over to her husband's side and folded her arm through his. She looked much more alive than she had the last few days and Detective Sparks couldn't help but notice she had that certain glow about her. Like she'd made love in the last twenty-four hours.

None of your business Celia, she scolded herself as she pulled out her notebook and got down to work. "You've said in the past that you and the Davises were very close, in fact you were their closest friends. There was also mention of Mrs. Davis going through some kind of change after the birth of her third child."

"Yes, she suffered with postpartum depression as I said and was having a rough time of it. I stopped by the house a few times a week just to help out, take the pressure off."

"And Mr. Davis, how was he during this time?"

Riley gave the question serious thought as he was reminded of an experience he'd had with Niall a little over a year ago. "Well, I think I told you or maybe I didn't that he'd been going through a midlife crisis at about the same time."

"Look, it was hard on the both of them having the children so close together. If you're thinking he did this you're wrong, all the way wrong." Riley went on to tell them how he'd seen the couple both looking happy together after they'd both come to terms with life and had started seeing a therapist.

He wasn't sure if he should mention the other thing that her question had brought to mind. She seemed set on blaming an innocent man for a crime he didn't commitbut what if what he had to say had some bearing on the situation?

What if his holding back would hinder the investigation in some way? He wanted it over and done with if only to keep the cops from interrupting his life any further than they already had. "There was something else, something I didn't think too much of at the time."

"And what's that?"

"One day I ran into Niall and he didn't look like himself. He was dressed different and he even acted like he didn't know me when I called out to him, but then he shook his head and seemed to come out of a fog."

"I saw the same thing." Valerie added as she looked up at her husband in surprise. "Why didn't you ever tell me about that?" Riley shrugged his shoulders and looked back at the detective.

"I didn't think too much of it after the fact. I just figured he was having one of his off days. By then he'd been doing much better though so I guess I just put it out of my mind."

"So you're both saying you both witnessed Mr. Davis acting out of character and even going so far at least in your case Mr. O'Rourke as to say he didn't recognize you." Riley nodded his head and looked down at his wife who agreed with that assessment as well.

"Is there anything else?"

"Yes, just one more thing before we go. Did either of you know of Mrs. Davis' fear of clowns?"

Valerie's answer was that she didn't know about Sonya's fear of clowns. Riley hearing this gave his wife a strange look which both Detective Sparks and officer Bailey noticed.

"Sure you do Val, remember a few years ago when you suggested hiring one for Junior's birthday party and she asked you if you forgot that she'd told you long ago that she was afraid of them?"

"Oh yes that's right, but that was so long ago now I'd simply forgotten." She laughed it off lightly and hoped that she hadn't made herself appear suspicious in the eyes of the two cops.

She'd seen enough cop shows to know that every little thing could be held against you. But surely they couldn't expect her to remember every little thing her friend said, especially from so long ago and something that wasn't that important besides.

Detective Sparks gave nothing away with her facial expression just carried on questioning the pair as she tried to fit the pieces of the puzzle together. "Okay, thank you both, that will be all for now."

"I'll walk you out!" Valerie offered as they prepared to leave.

"Tell me," she said as soon as they were out of earshot of her husband, "are you any closer to finding a suspect?"

"We're getting there, Mrs. O'Rourke, we're getting there."

"Good, that's good. I'm sure poor Niall would appreciate it. By the way, thanks for not bringing up what I told you in front of my husband. Sonya was my very best friend. I wouldn't want my husband thinking badly of her even though she's no longer with us."

Detective Sparks nodded and repeated her goodbyes before heading down the steps to the waiting car. She hadn't learned much more than she already knew, but things were starting to take shape in her mind.

"Where to now boss?" Officer Bailey asked, as he got strapped in in the passenger seat. Detective Sparks tapped her fingers on the steering wheel and looked straight ahead before putting the key in the ignition.

"We've got to get Mr. Davis to let us go through his wife's things. I'd like to do it without having to go through the hassle of getting a warrant but if push comes to shove I'll do it."

"How do plan on getting him to do it?"

"I'm not sure but I have to give it one last try." She put the car in gear and drove down the lane away from the farmhouse.


Nettie looked on as the nanny who she didn't have much use for fed the baby in her highchair. There was something different about the girl this morning but she couldn't quite put her finger on what that something was.

She wouldn't be surprised if the new style in dress and the lipstick had something to do with catching Mr. Niall's eye. If the mistress were still around she wouldn't have dared. These young people today have the morals of an alley cat.

Here it is just three days since the woman died, her body wasn't even cold in the grave yet and this one was already playing up to her husband. Not that Mrs. Davis was deserving of her pity. She'd been another one.

Nettie had suspected that there was something fishy going on with the woman before she died, but she'd never had any proof and wasn't one for gossip. But now with everyone else already saying it, she was thinking harder and harder about the things she'd overlooked.

She looked over when Mr. Niall entered the kitchen, his bloodshot eyes telling her what kind of night he'd had. Poor thing, to be this broken up over that worthless woman who didn't deserve it.

She hated thinking this way about the woman who was now dead, the mother of those poor babies, but she couldn't deny the truth of what she'd seen with her own eyes.

All the running around, coming and going at all hours of the day when Mr. Niall was hard at work, the very things she'd once excused away were now plain to see, and with everyone else thinking the same thing

Why even widow Connors had seen her going and coming from the old Miller barn with some man. She didn't believe for a second that the man had been Mr. Niall; the man she knew wouldn't be caught dead in a place like that. And besides, why would he need to go there when he had a house like this to come home to?

If that detective came back here she'd be sure to tell her what she was thinking this time instead of beating around the bush. She knew Mr. Niall was refusing to let them go through her things, but she knew something that might help.

She felt a moment's qualms about going behind his back. She'd been with him for so long, but it was for his own sake wasn't it? The sooner the police got to the bottom of this mess the sooner he could carry on with his life.

She knew he wouldn't be caught up in the murder, she'd already checked with that Nancy Parish the day it happened after the police had come by and she knew that he'd been in his office at the time it had happened.