Chapter 27

Niall had no recollection of the happenings in the night he just woke up thinking he'd had a very intense dream about his wife, something that was natural given the circumstances he was sure. She'd been very good at pleasing him in bed, but how many others

He cut his thoughts off there the pain too raw, too new. As Nettie placed a plate of ham and eggs in front of him he looked down at the food without seeing it. He couldn't remember the last time he'd eaten.

"Why don't you have a little something to eat sir? You haven't eaten in days and you're already starting to lose weight." Bridgette lifted a forkful of eggs to his lips like she'd have done with one of the children and he found himself opening his mouth to her.

She smiled coquettishly as she slid the fork between his lips and did it again. Nettie stood at the sink with a look of total disgust on her face, slamming the dishtowel down across the lip of the sink before turning to leave the room.