Chapter 31

Niall took the offered book and rifled through the pages until he came to the first entry going back almost two years or so. He read the pages and felt like he'd fallen into some kind of vortex, nothing made sense. She was talking about him but it was as if she were speaking of someone else, a stranger.

October first: 'So far Niall's other personality doesn't seem to be dangerous, in fact he seems more interested in having sex than in harming anyone. It's like our honeymoon all over again and I get to have the joy of a lover without the guilt. And the sex, it's so fucking amazing that I selfishly hope the doctor never cures him. Unless he hurts himself or someone else of course.'

He looked up at the Detective, "what's she talking about? What other personality?"

"Keep reading sir, it's all in there." Detective Sparks gave him time to read some more of what his wife had written, watching his face change with each new revelation.