Chapter 19

Detective Sparks hung up the phone a little harder than was necessary. Officer Bailey looked up from his desk where he was busy going over the evidence they'd collected so far on the case. "The mayor again?"

"It seems Mr. Davis put in a call to his good friend the mayor to get him to ask us to back off." She threw down the pen she'd been twirling around in her fingers. The phone rang on her desk and she picked it up.


"Detective!" It was the medical examiner who handled autopsies for the three surrounding towns. "Your victim was three months pregnant." The news made her sit back in her chair with a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. Two victims and another cog in the wheel!

"Is there any way to tell who the father was?"

"Sure, we can run that test but we'll need the father's DNA to match it to." Her first thought was that if the man didn't want them going through his wife's things he damn sure wasn't about to give them any blood to test.