"I do not like that person. She's so full of herself, and I know she was about to start her 'who is this' shit again...oh crap, did you want to talk to her, oh my gosh I'm so sorry...I didn't..."
"Don't start second guessing yourself now, feel free to put Jennifer in her place anytime."
I wanted to ask if she was his ex, or future or whatever, but I thought that was not my place, but then again the way he was holding onto me...
"Exactly what are we doing?"
"With what?"
I swung our joined hands up for him to see.
"Oh that, I'm getting you used to my touch, so get used to it. There's going to be a lot of that in your future." He smirked down at me.
Gulp, why is it that my underwear always suffers in his presence? The old me would've voiced that question out loud, but the new me was a little more cautious...what Colton doesn't know is that there was more to the story.
Like the way people had turned against me and my mom for accusing one of the city's golden sons of something as horrendous as rape.
Donna's family had fled after her suicide. It was too much for two people who had had a late in life baby after years of trying
People had made accusations, like Donna and I had asked for it, and some said we'd lured the boys to the house. Two young girls alone for the weekend, and looking to have a good time, so we'd probably been drinking and getting high, you know how all teens are.
I guess we were into being beaten black and blue too since we were both almost beyond recognition by the time the paramedics showed up.
There was a lot of scrutiny about the way I dressed, and since Donna was no longer there to carry any of the burden, I bore the brunt of it.
My every move was scrutinized, the way I dressed, and my hobbies, which were all Tom boyish if you want to know the truth. Instead of being seen as a girl who liked riding bikes or skate boarding, like so many others before me, I was now the slut who liked to hang around with groups of boys.
You try walking around in low rider jeans and tanks, or cute little skirts (which I used to love) while the world is calling you a slutty teen.
So no, I didn't use my usual snarky wit on him, I just enjoyed the feel of his thumb rubbing circles in my palm.
The BBQ turned out to be fun, and his mom and her friend never mentioned what had happened earlier, for which I was abundantly grateful. And I caught his dad giving him a thumbs up behind my head while puffing away on a joint.
When I looked back at Colton he was just shaking his head at him.
"Mom, your husband's being embarrassing again."
"Daniel, put that thing out."
"Hell nah woman, as a matter of fact I forgot to show you something up at the house."
He wiggled his brows at her and I couldn't help it, I laughed so hard I fell off my chair which made him laugh and then everyone was laughing.
That's how my dad found me.
"What's going on over here?"
He was smiling as he asked, smiling and looking at me with such happiness in his eyes.
God, had it really been that long since he'd seen me laugh like that?
"Here chief, have a pull."
"Shit, Daniel, you toked?"
"Perfectly legal big guy." He took another draw and went back to his eye wiggling.
"Yeah but some people should not take advantage of that fact."
"You trying to say I can't handle my shit? I'll have you know...wait how do you people keep getting me off track. Elena, come I got something to show you."
"Please for the sake of my sanity chief shoot me now." Colton hung his head.
"Relax, son, your parents are doing it right."
"That's easy for you to say."
Colton mumbled under his breath as he helped me up. Dad arched his brow when Colton kept ahold of me after I was standing, and he kept ahold of my ass. He had his arm around me, and I was buried in his side like we were attached at the hip.
I could just imagine the questions dad was going to embarrass me with when we got home.
"I'm guessing you're not ready to leave, Kat?"
"I've got her, chief."
There was a look passed between them, a look that Colton refused to break first. I looked back and forth between them and saw my father drop his gaze first and with a nod looked around asking for a beer.