
Chapter 42: LYON

We made it back in time to catch the girls' act. My angel sounded just like her namesake as she belted out the lyrics to Wallflowers' One Headlight. I put shit behind me and got lost in the beauty that was her.

Zack passed me a beer as we took our seats at the table and fell into the conversation as though we'd never left. I searched my feelings for a moment to see if there was any remorse or guilt for what I'd done, what I'd asked others to do.

Truthfully, I felt a slight pang that I'd had to get my hands dirty, that I'd had my crew get theirs dirty, but I felt no loss for him. He was a parasite who would've continued destroying lives in his path without retribution.

He'd fucked himself over the night he decided to go after what's mine and though at the time she hadn't been mine she still bore the scars from his attack and probably will for the rest of her life that made it my problem.