
Chapter 52: JENNY

I can't believe how the Lyons have embraced that thing into their circle; the latest word is that Elena Lyon one of our society's leading women have been touting the girl.

Somehow they'd got the video removed when I couldn't; of course, couldn't have their precious son's little floozy seen in a bad light. I wish I'd broken her fucking face when I had the chance.

"I thought you said you were going to take care of her James what happened?"

"Some chick came up to us and spirited her away what did you want me to do wrestle her to the floor in the middle of a busy restaurant?"

"Why do I have to do everything myself?" He's such an idiot ever since mama and daddy cut the apron strings he's been a fucking burden; you'd think he was the younger of the two of us instead of the other way around.