
Chapter 125: KAT

Well crap, Colt had been right again after all, I hate when that happens. He doesn't just come out and say 'I told you so' like us lesser mortals. Oh no, with him it's like being put before a firing squad and playing twenty questions at the same time.

And I don't dare roll my eyes either or there will be hell to pay. Thank goodness for that impromptu party last night. That sort of spared me so far from his tongue but I knew it was coming Xmas or not.

Add the fact that his Caitie bear had been caught in the middle and the fireworks were going to be flying for sure. I wonder if feigning early pregnancy syndrome would get me off the hook. That was the only time I'd gotten any peace from him and his mess. Then again that wasn't entirely true either.

He becomes a whole other special kind of crazy when I'm pregnant, crap. I looked down at his sleeping face; he looked so innocent. The way I imagine the son he swore he'd planted in me a few days ago would when he gets here.