Chapter 26: Suspicious Neha

Neha was concerned for her sweet friend and tried to counsel her, "Listen, dear, now-a-days people have no value for love. I am not saying that all the guys are wicked, but some of them definitely come close to a girl just for one reason and what it is you must know. The same thing has happened to you too. All playboys behave very chivalrous with girls initially, so that girls innocently fall in love with them, getting impressed by their decent mannerisms. Mostly all girls choose a wrong guy; then they suffer later on."

Saniya didn't want to believe that Arjun was such a guy. She said, "Please don't say he's that kind. It is quite possible that last night I proposed when so many people were around. So maybe he did not like it."

"How can you say this?" Neha asked.

Saniya told her further, "There is a possibility because he is a well-known person; he is very rich also. He is a successful business person; I am not at his level, so he might have not liked my proposal. Instead of rejecting it outright, he must have thought of avoiding me from today," Saniya had such speculations.

"There are chances, but most of the guys will not spare a chance if the girl herself is coming up with a proposal," Neha told her.

"I asked him to marry me; that might be the reason he does not want to keep any relationship with me. It's also my mistake that I proposed him in front of everyone. I think he might have carried me and dropped me last night to my room safely; and then he thought of getting away from my life, after hearing those words" Saniya again said.

"Maybe, but as you said your clothes had been changed, then who else could have changed your dress if it wasn't Arjun?" Neha asked her with suspicion.

"I have the same question on my mind. If Arjun rejected my proposal and if he thought of avoiding me from last night onwards, then who exactly changed my dress?" Saniya was wondering.

"Was your room locked from inside?" Neha inquired.

"Yes, it was locked. The room has got a dual locking system; if Arjun brought me to my room, then he would have closed the room before leaving. In that case, the room gets automatically locked from inside; if someone tries to enter inside again then he will need a swipe card" she told Neha.

"Then check with the hotel staff whether someone entered your room last night using a duplicate one?" Neha told her.

"No dear, I don't want to create any issues. I want to speak with Arjun; I am not able to concentrate on anything" Saniya said.

"What is he saying?" Neha asked.

"He is not picking up my call; I guess he has blocked my number. He had left a note asking me to reach my home safely. He did mention on the letter that he will meet me when I return back if he will be in Goa till then" Saniya told her.

Neha asked, "So have you decided to take off for your home?"

Saniya said, "I have to, but before that, I want to meet Arjun. I'm missing him badly from the very minute I got up in the morning. I find myself so incomplete without him! My life seems to have stopped in those 2 or 3 days which I spent with him. I feel a strong bond between him and me; as if we both are made for each other, and I cannot live without him. I was in search of true love from a very long time, and therefore I rejected so many guys all these days... as I didn't feel that way about any of them. My search for love has been accomplished, and now I know that Arjun is the one I had been looking for all these many days. I never used to even speak freely with other guys, but on the contrary, I could shake hand with him on the very first day I met him; I fell in love with him instantly," Saniya shared her in-depth feelings with Neha over the phone.

"Stop saying all this; I never expected that all of a sudden you would get changed so much. I have seen you rejecting so many good looking guys during the final year in college, then how come you appear to have gone so crazy suddenly!" Neha was astonished at her behaviour.

Saniya explained, "I didn't realize when this happened to me while I was spending time with him, I am really not able to control myself, dear. I have been crying since morning; it's so horrible to think that last night was my last meeting with Arjun. I don't know whether I will be able to see him again even once so that I can share my true feelings with him."

Neha tried to console her, "Don't worry everything will be alright. Do you want me to speak to him?"

"No dear, let me wait for his call, maybe he is really busy..." Saniya said.

"Then start for your home now and let's hope that before you have reached Arjun will call you back," Neha said to her, but Saniya was really worried, "What if he doesn't call at all? I might die before reaching home then..." she said in a sad tone.

"Shut up! Do not talk like this. Be positive dear; you just now said that maybe he is really busy. So wait for his call or else you try to reach him during the journey." Neha advised her and she agreed, "I guess that would be better," said Saniya.

Neha asked then, "Why are you crying so much, dear?"

Saniya replied, "I am afraid of losing him dearly. I cannot live without him; he is everything for me now. For the last two days, he was holding my hand tightly and taking care of me all the time when I was with him. I am not able to come out of those wonderful moments; I can't believe it that he is not with me now! Wherever I look around, I feel as if Arjun is standing in front of me. I can still hear his voice echo in my ears; I can feel his presence around me. Even if I close my eyes, I see him close-by. I can still smell his perfume on my body; this makes me think of him madly, I am sure nothing can divert my thoughts from him. I am becoming frantic without talking to him."

"Did you check his Whatsapp for the 'last seen' update?" asked Neha,

"No, he has not made it visible to his contacts" Saniya replied.

"Then I am sure he is a clever boy," Neha remarked.

"How can you say this?" Saniya asked her.

"This is a common practice of such guys and being girls; we should understand such smartness," Neha said.

"I don't want to agree with you; there could be some other reason also," Saniya said.

"Maybe, God only knows," said Neha.

"Hmm, let me pack up my bag; I will leave for my home," Saniya said to her.

"First stop crying and stop thinking about him," Neha told her firmly.

Saniya replied, "I will try, but tears overflow my eyes when I think about him."

"Then stop thinking about him," Neha said again.

"That seems so impossible to me; he was with me all the time recently for the last two days, and now suddenly he is not with me! I just can't handle this shocking state and just keep thinking about him only. Nothing can help me with this; I might go on remembering him all through my journey back home," Saniya expressed her emotions.

Neha asked, "Have you fallen in love with him seriously?"

"Of course, he is like the oxygen which I am breathing; how can I live without it?" Saniya said innocently.

Neha said to her, "I can understand your feelings dear, but do take care to travel safely and call me once you have reached your home."

"I will do that.... Bye, dear....." She disconnected the call by saying this.