Chapter 2

They wound up at a pizza joint, of all places, per her suggestion, and a quick survey of the brick walls and vinyl booths proved he was out of his element. The delicious scent of garlic and red sauce reminded him he'd skipped lunch. "I'm a little overdressed for this venue."

While inside the doorway, her gaze skimmed over him. Before he knew what she was up to, she'd stripped his coat, unknotted his tie, and had rolled the sleeves of his shirt to his elbows.

She nodded, handing him back the jacket. "There."

They claimed a booth and he let her order, then he glanced at her necklace once again. Having a focal point helped settle him, and he wondered where she'd gotten the charm. Perhaps from her deceased fiancé. He'd found out through the grapevine about Mark's suicide last year. Xavier had never met the man, but Mark had served with Peyton's brother, Brian, in Iraq. Mark's death had come just a few months after Brian was killed while serving. She'd been raised by her brother after their parents had passed away in a car accident their junior year, leaving her no family.

No one, especially a person as light and friendly as her, should be surrounded by so much darkness. And someone would never know it by looking at her.

His mouth got away from him again as his gaze met hers. Damn, but her eyes were still a blow to the solar plexus. "I was sorry to hear about Brian and Mark."

Her gaze jerked to the table. She nodded slowly. "Thank you. Work has helped keep me busy." She fingered the charm and smiled. "How are your parents?"

"Very well, thanks." Xavier had a good relationship with them, but didn't get to see them often. His mother may have been a trophy wife to a career-driven corporate attorney, but his father loved her to no end. "Dad's retiring next year."

"Lucky guy." She smiled. "Well," she said through a delicate sigh. "What business would you like to discuss?"

Yeah, that. Tension tightened the muscles in his neck. "I'd like to hire you."

Up went the brows again. "I have a job."

"I know." She'd been on Mayor Harrison's campaign since his election three years prior. "Are the Harrison rumors of his senate bid true?"

Her award-winning grin turned sly. "I can neither confirm nor deny."

Unable to help it, he smiled. "Will you stay with him if he goes through with it?"

"The position has been offered to me. Why? What's your counter?" She set her chin in her hand as if they were discussing nothing more serious than fluffy kittens. That was her gift. Hook, line, and sinkerall while making a person want to be caught.

Deciding to give her the background first, he took a sip of water in an effort to recall his pitch. "I'm not sure how much you've followed regarding Gaines Industries, but we've been mostly focused on apps, devices, and software tech in the private sector. We've been quietly venturing into another aspect, something for the military. Everything from tracking returning vets for better medical follow-up care to more weapons accuracy for less injury, etcetera. I have the opportunity to secure government contracts for the next ten years if negotiations go well."

"Wow." She straightened. "That would put you in a whole new ballpark."

"Agreed." He frowned. "But there's some internal issues on my end. Concerns have been raised about my motives. You've read how the media portrays me, and with something as spotlight-driven as government contracts, they're hesitant to get in bed with someone who doesn't have emotions, a personality, or can comfortably make public appearances. Gaines Industries would be the face of this particular project, all while we maintain our current fields." He paused. "And I'm...rigid."

Her lips pursed, and she strummed her fingers on the table in thought. "You need a better PR person."

"Which is where you come in. I have a firm on retainer who does press releases and such, but not on this kind of scale."

The waiter came by with their order and left. Peyton dished out a slice for each of them, and they ate in silence for a while. Her brain seemed to be clicking while she chewed, so he sat idle.

After she finished a slice and a half, she nudged her plate aside. "I have some ideas, but what specifically are you looking for?"

Relieved that wasn't an outright no, he set his napkin on the table. "What I understand about PR could fill a thimble. From a company standpoint, I need someone on the inside. Keep the staff happy, morale up, business potentials interested, that kind of thing. Outside, I have to find a way to seem...less cold, I guess. I'd leave the how up to you. Other than that, whatever arises regarding media, you'd be responsible for handling. Events, releases, appearances."

She adjusted her glasses and stared over his shoulder as if in thought.

Worry ate away at his gut. "I know it's a big undertaking and I'd require a lot of work"

"It's not that." She waved her delicate hand, dismissing his comment. "What you're asking is no more or less than what I'm already doing for Harrison, just on a different scale."

He nodded. "What concerns you, then?"

Her mouth opened and closed twice before she spoke. "Admittedly, politics was not where I wanted to end up when I got my marketing degree. However, from the start, Harrison and I clicked. His wife, too."

And, hell. That was the problem. Xavier didn't "click" with anyone. If he couldn't get someone like Peyton comfortable around him, he was screwed. The very thought of hiring for the position elsewhere made him break out in a cold sweat. Desperately, he tried to think of a solution.

"Why me, if you don't mind me asking?"

He lifted his gaze to hers. Leave it to her to save him by giving him an opening. "You have a spotless record and no secrets. Your ability to make people relax is something target-specific I need. Fact is, you have experience in all the areas on my list." He let out a quiet exhale and clenched his fingers in an attempt to not rub his neck in frustration.

"You could get that from someone else, though, if you interviewed well enough." Quietly, her gaze scanned his face. "I"

"There's no necessity to make a decision right now. Sleep on it and perhaps we could get together tomorrow. I could show you around the building, discuss specifics." He closed his eyes and unclenched his jaw before meeting her gaze once more. All or nothing. "The truth, Peyton? I trust you, and I can count on one hand the number of people I can say that about. You knew me before I made my millions, and you were nice to me when you didn't have to be. That's the kind of person I want in my corner."

There. Christ, it felt like he'd sliced through an artery.

A slow smile curved her lips as a wrinkle formed between her brows. "I'll see you tomorrow. Your office, four o'clock."