Chapter 8

A half hour later, Xavier still hadn't arrived. Disappointment began to weigh heavy on her shoulders. She glanced at the door again which Joseph, of course, noticed.

"He'll be here, Peyton."

She wasn't so sure. Xavier hated crowds and he'd already given her a gift. Knowing him, he was holed up in his mansion watching CNN. She had no idea why it bugged her. Yeah, they were friendly and did things outside of work sometimes, but it wasn't as if he was more than her boss. Lord knew, she made him socialize enough because of Gaines Industries.

The rest of their group returned and ordered a round of drinks. She was too caught up in their discussion of the hottest bartender to notice Xavier stood beside her until she'd hopped off her stool and nearly plowed into him.

He was casual in jeans and a fitted black t-shirt that emphasized his lean, muscular build. A dark five o'clock shadow covered his wide jaw, giving him a seductive edge, and a strand of chestnut hair fell over his forehead, making her want to brush it aside.

A spark of...somethingrecognition, perhapsflared in her belly. She shook her head.

"You came." She grinned and mentally bitch-slapped the giddy bubble his presence created. "You dress down real nice." Xavier Gaines in a suit was drool-worthy. Him in jeans was panty-melting.

Dang. What was up with her tonight?

"Thank you, I think." He held up a small pink dessert box. "Sorry I'm late. Had to stop somewhere on the way. This is for you."

Her breath stalled as she stared at the box. Sweetums was printed on the top and...shoot, her eyes watered at the thoughtful gesture. He'd remembered.

Slapping a hand to her chest, she quickly glanced at Kate, who closely watched their exchange. Besides Xavier, Kate was the only one who knew Brian's birthday tradition of getting her a cupcake from that particular bakery. Tenderness softened Kate's expression, and she winked.

When Peyton didn't move, Xavier set the box on the table, opened it, and removed a giant chocolate cupcake with pink frosting, placing it beside the box. Then, he dug in his pocket and stuck a candle in the top.

Her chest hitched, fighting a sob.

"Well done, moneybags." Kate smiled at him, and he offered her a baleful glance until he must've realized she was being genuine, then nodded.

God, he was just so thoughtful. Peyton had been missing her brother terribly this week. Xavier doing this was kind of like having Brian back, if only in spirit.

Joseph lit the candle and the group sang Happy Birthday. She pressed her lips into a thin line to prevent waterworks.

"Make a wish." Xavier, still pressed close to her side, raised his brows in expectation.

She got sucked into his golden eyes and long lashes for a moment before shaking her head. A wish? Thinking a beat, she smiled when the perfect one came to mind. She wished Xavier would find a woman to love who he could be comfortable around and who didn't have ulterior motives. He was such a great guy and he deserved happiness.

Nodding, she blew out the candle, and everyone cheered.

She wrapped her arms around Xavier's waist and smiled up at him. "I know you don't like public displays of affection, but deal with this one for a second. Thank you." She hugged him.

One solid arm came around her and his hand skimmed her spine. The warm touch against her bare skin caused an involuntary shiver. He inhaled sharply, apparently surprised her shirt was an open design in back. He quickly shifted his hand to her waist and cleared his throat.

"You're welcome."

Gah, his hoarse tone was delicious. Rigid, he didn't move, and the longer they stayed close, the more increased his respirations became. His fingers clenched her waist and his warm breath teased the hair at her temple.

"What did you wish for, Smoke?"

Jerking upright, she stepped away from Xavier's embrace and turned to Kate's friend, Simone. Wow. Hello, dizziness. "I can't tell you or it won't come true."

Kate snorted and pointed to Peyton with her glass. "Doesn't matter. She never wishes for anything for herself."

Joseph sent Peyton a confused eyebrow quirk. "Say what?"

Reclaiming her seat, she sighed. "It's something my mom used to say. A wish for someone else sends good karma out into the world." She shrugged. The group stared at her a long beat, Xavier's gaze feeling heaviest of all, so she reached for her glass. "What?"

Joseph shared a look she couldn't decipher with Xavier, then shook his head. "Just when I thought you couldn't get any more awesome, you shock the shit out of me." He clinked his glass with hers. "Rock on, blondie."

She swallowed the last of her martini, letting the liquid cool her raw throat, and stared at the empty glass while conversation started anew.

The table vibrated and glasses clinked. "Get over here, hot stuff."

She lifted her gaze to their waiter, setting down a tray full of cocktails, and squealed. "Justin. I didn't know you were working tonight."

Having met him a few years ago while still on Harrison's campaign, they'd been chummy ever since. The blond god looked like Adonis on a bad day and oozed seduction from his pores. They often exchanged harmless flirtation when they ran into each other. Since she was sandwiched between Joseph, Xavier, and the wall, she climbed under the table and emerged on the other side.

She gave Justin a one-armed embrace. "Xavier, Joseph, this is Justin." She blinked up him. "Joseph is the muscle tonight, so don't make him mad."

Justin laughed. "Got it. A little birdie told me it was your birthday. This round's on me. Bridgetown Breezes for one and all."

Xavier accepted his glass and stared at the pink liquid as if trying to gauge its contents.

Her heart leapt into her throat. "No!" She took it out of his hand and set it aside. "Don't drink that. It has Malibu in it." She faced Justin. "Can you get him a scotch on the rocks? Macallan if you have it. And a seltzer water with lime for Joseph. Make sure all this goes on my tab."

"Sure thing."

Kate cocked a hip and glared at Xavier. "You got something against rum?"

"He's..." Allergic to coconut, but Peyton didn't want to advertize the info. "Um, Malibu doesn't agree with him."

Xavier stared at the glass she'd confiscated, his jaw ticking and face pale. After a second, he lifted his gaze to hers, nodding a thank you. He looked at Kate. "I have an allergy to coconut."

"Oh." Kate pursed her lips. "Good catch, Peyton."

Absently, she nodded, shocked immobile that Xavier had shared something private with Kate. He was unerringly secretive about his life, and Peyton had always respected that. It was part of her job, in fact. But it seemed he was trying to offer her friend an olive branch, perhaps explain himself, so Kate would maybe change her view of him. Knowing Xavier, he could care less what she thought. Which meant he'd done it for Peyton.

Their gazes locked, and she let out an uneven breath at finding his wide open. Patience, gratitude, and fondness stared back at her.

Justin tapped her shoulder. "I'm on break in twenty minutes. Save me a dance?" When she agreed, he lifted the tray. "I'll be back in a sec with your order."

Xavier rose to let her return to her seat and then reclaimed his. She smiled at the conversation going on at the other end of the table, not following along in the slightest because she kept flicking quick glances at Xavier. He seemed more tense than usual all of a sudden.

When the ladies took off for the dance floor again, she leaned closer to him. "You okay?"

"Yes." His gaze slid to hers, roamed her face. "I'm always surprised by how different you look with your hair down and without your glasses. You're very lovely tonight."

"Thank you." Always with the compliments, her boss. Charity functions, press conferences, mandatory appearanceshe never forgot to slip her a nice word. Her face heated, and she blamed it on the one cocktail she'd downed.

Justin returned thirty minutes later and took her hand. "You're all mine for the next set."

Xavier rose stiffly to let her out.

As Justin tugged Peyton from her seat, Kate eyed Joseph. "Want to dance?"

"Peyton, hold up." She paused. Joseph glanced at Xavier. "Is there a bodyguard on you outside?"

"No. I'm going from here to home. I'll be fine." He jerked his chin at Peyton. "Stay on her."

Rising, jaw set, Joseph's gaze searched the room while they waited. Eventually, he nodded. "Just stay at the table, then." He set his hand on Kate's back. "Come on, Red."

Peyton went with Justin, staying close to Joseph. Halfway to the dance floor, she glanced over her shoulder.

Xavier sat by himself, eyes cast on the table, and finger circling the rim of his scotch snifter.