Chapter 57


I took in her flushed cheeks and wanted to haul her against me, make her flush for entirely different reasons. Christ, she was gorgeous. And seriously. What was wrong with me? Damn it. Get a grip. "What was that all about? The numbers?"

She shrugged. "How many songs they'll sing. Friday night is open mic night. The customers love it. We have quite a few talents among us. Blows off steam, too."

"Jen-Jen. He's set." Rock kicked a chair over to her and cut the sound system.

Which reminded me. "Jen-Jen?"

"Grampy's nickname for me. No one calls me Jenny but the Seasmoke crew." She glanced at Rock, then the stage. Using the chair as a step, she climbed on the bar top with the grace of a cougar and walked the length as catcalls rang out. "Y'all ready?" She laughed at the cheers. "Give it up for Deiter!"

Deiter strung a couple notes on a guitar and smiled as the crowd chanted his name. After a moment, the room quieted and the guy on stage began playing.