Chapter 67


I awoke slowly to a man's hot skin flush against my back and arms banded around me. It took me a moment to orientate, but Matt's familiar scent sifted through my sleepy haze. One of his thighs was wedged between mine, his fingers splayed between my breasts. He snored lightly, face buried in my hair.

Smiling, I was unable to fight the giddy bubble of happy. After years of wanting him, we'd finally connected. The first time had been quick and explosive, the second just as desperate, but with more finesse. Yet even through the passion, he'd taken measures to ensure I not only joined him, but that he was careful. Subtle moves I doubt he even realized, like putting his forearm between my back and the wall so I didn't bruise while he'd thrust, or keeping his hands on the headboard so I didn't drift too far and smack my head while he'd taken me in bed. Being with him had been better than I'd dreamed about, and I'd thought about having him this way a lot.