Chapter 45

Nick stared at Trisha's house from his car in the driveway and swallowed. He'd never been a coward, but something about her got to him, scratching at raw nerve-endings until they'd bled. And this case forced back up the pain and dread he'd shoved down after Milwaukee. The shrink warned him this day would come, that all his emotions and senses would return. He hadn't believed it. He'd been numb so long he'd been more robot than man.

Truth was, he'd rather be a coward here in the car than face her with the news another of her men was dead. Again.

Her front door opened and Brad filled the doorway.

Nick climbed out of the car, shoved his hands in his pockets, and closed his eyes, struggling for composure. Brad groaned, forcing Nick to open them.

"I was hoping for a mangled car wreck."

"So was I," Nick said, understanding fully the morbid humor. "Did you get her to eat?"