Chapter 63

Haven came awake with a blast of frigid air against her face. Blinking to rid her eyes of the fog of unconsciousness and confusion, she tried to lift her head. Pain shot through her skull. She tried to lift her hand to investigate, and was immediately confounded by her restrained arm. She blinked, drew her brows together in frown. She swallowed against the pain, and lifted her head slowly to get a better look.

Shivering, she realized the cold air rushing through the room brushed against her bare legs. She was naked.

Fighting back the bile shooting up her throat, she whimpered softly. Nakedness was stock and trade of her career choice, but when she danced before the leering men at the club, she was nude of her own choice. Angelous had robbed her of that, and left her exposed in a semi-dark room on a cold flat surface. She looked up again, ignoring the pain spreading through her skull.