Chapter 21

When they got to Claudius', it took all of Patrick's willpower to walk through the side entrance. He imagined Troy or a faceless Yulia waiting for him, whip in hand. Instead, Michael led him to the kitchen.

"Claudius is having another party. You're supposed to help out in here."

"But they're vampires. What do they need with a kitchen?"

"You'll see. I've got to go." And before Patrick could ask anything else, he'd vanished.

Patrick stood uncomfortably in the middle of the room and watched as two women wrestled what looked like a giant soup tureen. Unlike the other occupants of the house, he was pretty sure they were human, though both looked older than him. The redhead had a bunch of bandages on her neck, and the brunette's wrist and forearm were wrapped in gauze and tape. He was contemplating their injuries when the brunette snarled, "Are you going to help or just stand there?"