The house looked as pathetic as Patrick remembered; worse in the rain. Churo parked in the middle of the road and frowned. "Are you sure this is the place?"
"Yeah, this is it. It's Jorick's house."
They climbed out into the drizzle and Churo tried to shield his hair with his hand. "Exactly who is this Jorick?"
"A guy I know." Patrick envisioned Churo stumbling into the middle of a top secret vampire moment. "Why don't you wait here? Jorick is real touchy about strangers."
"Right." Churo hopped back in the car and shut the door. "Hurry back."
Patrick slogged through the yard to the sagging porch. He knocked, but no one answered, so he let himself in. The room smelled of mold and wet wallpaper. Rain water dripped from the ceiling and plopped softly on the dusty wooden floor. Add lightning for an instant horror movie set.
No wonder the vampires hung out there.