Monday, June 24th
The pills knocked Patrick out and he slept through Sunday. Judging by the note he found jammed under his door, Churo didn't appreciate it.
Tired of waiting on you. Call me when your social calendar clears.
The O in Churo had a nasty pointy-toothed face drawn in it. Not a good sign, but it was more than Patrick had time to deal with. He'd also missed an appointment with the vampires and they were likely to do more than call him names and leave angry faces.
Patrick took a shower, dressed and tried to clear his head. The fog remained, so he struggled through it and shuffled to Jorick's apartment. The sky was purple and golden and the moon was already visible; a skinny crescent that looked like a nail clipping.
He hurried in the door and up the stairs, afraid that Katelina might look out and see him. There was no way he could explain his presence to her.