Chapter 64: Krill - Dreadful Note of Preparation, Part 2

Krill had breakfast the following evening a draught of blood from what was basically a restaurant then went in search of Hugh. He found him guarding the entrance to the dungeon, looking as excited to be there as the prisoners.

"Good evening." Krill surveyed him, looking for a crack in his veneer; something to give him away.

"If you can call it good. You won't believe this, but Arles resigned. They've given me his post 'for the foreseeable future'. Can you imagine? Why would he quit?"

"Perhaps he plans to leave? Go back to his coven, or make a new one. Who knows?"

Hugh continued to grumble and Krill surrendered. Obviously he wasn't going to incriminate himself.

"What I'd like to know more than Arles' plan for the future, is why you left this." He produced the note with a flourish and waved it under Hugh's nose.

The vampire flinched back, snatching at the paper. "What is it? I didn't leave anything."