Chapter 118: Greneth - Halloween Hijinks, Part 2

He found the city the haunted house was in, but the building itself escaped him, so he stopped at a gas station for directions. The attendant was an acne spotted teen who smelled of marijuana and greasy hair. Like a rabbit, the kid seemed to sense a potential predator. Without meeting Greneth's eyes, he mumbled a handful of disjointed street names. Greneth rewarded him with a fanged smile, that made the kid jump, and mutter, "Uh, cool teeth, man," before he scurried to the back room.

Greneth was still chuckling when he dropped back into the driver's seat.

"You look happy?" Griselda folded up the vanity mirror.

"Is it my imagination, or are modern humans stupider than they used to be?"

"Anyone in particular?"

"Just that attendant. I don't know. It doesn't matter." Greneth started the car and backed out of the space.

"Did you at least get directions?"

He stopped from snapping back a sarcastic reply like, "No, I thought I'd just keep driving in circles." "Yes."