Chapter 115: Philip - What Do You See?, Part 5

In his den, Philip showered, changed, and sent his dirty clothes to the laundry. Then he headed for the café. Another off time, he was left with the same luck as before: no one to sit with. He drank his blood, paid his bill, and headed home again. He had a couple of hours until sunrise and, thanks to modern cable, there was now programming on TV all night long. Not necessarily quality programming, but it was something to watch all the same.

Though he didn't like to admit it, even to himself, the vampiress' pronouncement had unsettled him. Death in the brick house. What brick house? And whose death? Not hers, but was it someone close to her? Or was it one of them?

I can't imagine why the scientists would be anywhere except the citadel. But me

He went out on assignments, infiltrated dens, fought other vampires. And it was his sleeve she'd hung on to.

Only because she couldn't reach the others.