Cyprus flung one of his attackers into the shelf, scattering bones, then spun in time to catch another. Weaker than the older vampire, he was knocked back, stumbling into Johan.
Cyprus didn't have time to check on the others, to see what was happening, only to leap up and jump back to it. Enemies surged past him, slamming into the guards behind him. He let them go, busy with the fight in front.
A large vampire pounced. Cyprus met him, trying to push him toward the exit. The monster roared, snapping fangs in his face. Cyprus barely missed the bite, but wasn't lucky enough to stop the blade. The knife stabbed into his thigh, and sent him reeling. He pulled back, and charged again, glancing to see Sadihra slamming a vampire into the wall. She waved her free hand and a skull zipped through the air to smash against her enemy's face, blinding him long enough for her to stab her blade through his chest.