The next morning, Michael's mom kicked him off the couch and out the door. The manor was only slightly friendlier in the sunlight. The fanged cherubs on the fountain leered at him as he parked the Geo and made his way to the door.
The butler showed him to a shed where the tools were, including a brand new lawn mower. He gave him a set of basic instructions and waved toward the collection as if their actual functions were beneath him. Then he left.
What the fuck did I get myself into?
Michael was sweaty and out of sorts by the time he got home. His brother was on the porch, a beer in his hand. "Have fun at work?"
"Fuck you, Pat." Michael dropped next to him and groaned. "My back is killing me."
Patrick snickered. "How'd the first day go?"
"Like shit. The fucking butler is a prick. After I got done he walked around the yard pointing out everything I missed and said next time I should do a more thorough job'. I'll give him a thorough job, asshole."