Arowenia's captors were quiet. Moments ticked by with only the sound of the car moving down the road. Then, the human spoke. "What are you going to do with her?"
It was the woman who answered. "You know very well, Patrick. You were there when we made the plans." She trailed a finger over Arowenia's exposed arm, and the vampiress shivered and flinched away. The dark woman laughed. "She's going to be very happy in her new home, won't she, Oren?"
"For now," came the stiff reply. It wasn't the voice of the one who'd grabbed her, which meant it had to be the man with the amber eyes. Oren. The name was familiar, though she couldn't place it. Something someone had said to Claudius once, perhaps? Or something she'd over heard. If she could figure out who he was who any of them were then perhaps she'd understand why she was here, why Michael andPatrick, had they called him? Yes. Patrick. Why Michael and Patrick had betrayed them.
Betrayed her.