Chapter 58: Herrick, Part 1

(You can't really find Herrick anywhere. He existed as a character in an early draft of the Amaranthine saga originally he accompanied Kariss to Jorick's house but he got cut in a revision, which is a shame because he is an interesting guy. This story takes place in a small but familiar New Hampshire town during the Amaranthine saga. If you've read the book you may recognize the timing.)


Thunder rumbled in the distance. Herrick could smell the coming rain on the breeze, and so could Caroline. She held her hand out to check for stray drops before she pulled her front door shut. The dog strained at the leash, anxious for its nightly walk. It didn't care if there was rain or not.

"Okay, okay." Caroline took a few steps and the dog leapt ahead, his tail wagging and his tongue lolling to one side with enthusiasm.