Chapter 20

"Forgive me, senora, but Jed Whitlow cannot see through his own ego. It is convenient to let him believe he is the leader of the group. He does most of the work, and he is the conduit to provide the firepower. But once everything is in place, we may find it better to have someone else in charge."

"Like you?" Lorena gave an unladylike snort. "That will never happen, and you know it."

"No, my dear. I was thinking of you. With me as your silent partner. I cannot, obviously, be the face of this organization." His lips curved in a humorless smile. "Just the actual el jefe."

"They'll never approve it," she told him, even as her heart beat just a little faster. "Everyone in that group believes he should be the one at the head of the table. None of them will give up even an inch of their power."

She'd lusted for this since the beginning, knowing even then it would be an uphill battle.

"Then it's up to you to convince them." He drew another slow puff on the cigar. "Or you and I."

Lorena swallowed a sigh. Luis brought things to the table that none of the others could. They knew it, although admitting it was another matter. She'd have to count on the fact that they all wanted their plan to succeed so much that they'd acquiesce to El Toro's request.

"I will talk to them," she promised.

"Do it at this meeting," he insisted. "We're just days away from the big event. As I said, I have sent many men to supplement the ones your imported rabble rousers have gathered together. This will ensure success. If I pull out…" He shrugged and blew a thin stream of smoke.

Lena ground her teeth. They all knew just how disastrous that would be. She hated when Luis played this card, which he seemed to be doing more and more often lately.

"Please don't push me on this. It's enough juggling these egos to put the plan in motion and project what comes next."

"Just as long as you don't take too long."

"I will take care of it," she promised. "Remember, though. We can't be sure, no matter what he says, how completely Bernardo Ferren briefed his brother. This will take some maneuvering if I am to be assured of his vote, and that of his wife. And what if he's really on the opposite side of the fence? What if he's opposed to what Bernardo is involved in and is coming to this meeting to gather information to destroy us?"

Luis sorted a laugh. "Always suspicious, senora."

"As are you, I might point out. And it's how I've stayed alive and prospered all these years. Do you have any objections?"

"I leave it in your very capable hands, Senora. Except for one thing."

She lifted an eyebrow. "What's that?"

"I still have an itch about this unfortunate last-minute substitution. I might take a little trip to visit Bernardo in the hospital myself. Just to be sure these people aren't spies."

"spies?" She stared at them. "How would they even have learned about us? Luis, you're seeing shadows where there are none."

"That is how I've stayed alive and out of prison all these years. So I'm going to do a little investigating on my own. Be sure you have your cell phone with you at all times."

"Don't I always?" She sighed. "I have to admit I've wondered about this myself. Ferren wasn't one of the original group when we met at the cattlemen's convention. There were four couples in that dining room, discussing government over-regulation of resources that affect us as ranchers. Jed Whitlow brought Bernardo Ferren in as a source for weapons we could trust." She barked a laugh. "It wasn't as if we could look up someone on line and place an order."

"I understand. Truly. But the rest of us only know what Whitlow has told us and what's available online. And this last minute substitution business gives me chills. I don't like the fact new people have been introduced at the last minute any more than you do. Like you, I also am a naturally suspicious person. I'm sure you don't mind if I do my own investigating." His lips curved in another of those humorless smiles she hated so much. "I have to check this situation out for myself."

Lorena was silent for a long moment, delicately gnawing her bottom lip.

"Fine. I agree with you. But if this is all legitimate do not do anything to upset the applecart. If the Ferrens get pissed off and pull the deal for weapons we have a huge problem."

Rojas tipped his head. "Understood. I will be careful and delicate and let you know what I find.

"As long as you don't do anything to screw this up," she warned. "And I want to be informed the minute you find anything. Assuming, that is, there's anything left to find."

"Of course."

Elias, who had been unusually silent throughout the conversation, cleared his throat.

"Lorena, Luis is not going to do anything that would disrupt the chance to make us even richer and more powerful." He turned to look at El Toro. "After all, this means broad international expansion for you, also. Am I right?"

"Of course. Of course. "

"And we wouldn't want anything to happen to our relationship that spans generations. I'm right there, also."

Lorena thought how many people had begun to take her husband for granted when he fell ill. Luis had not been one of them and she knew his respect for the man had not wavered. It was one of the many reasons their business relationship continued to flourish.

Luis nodded.

"Excellent." She rose from her chair. "Then let me check with the cook. I believe dinner is almost ready."

But all she could think of as she headed to the kitchen was, If that fucking bastard screws this up, I will kill him myself.