Chapter 37

Jed Whitlow was shaving the next morning, standing at the bathroom sink wearing just a towel wrapped around his waist, when his wife walked in, holding her cell phone.

"I have a question."

He rinsed his razor and stroked it through another line of cream. "Okay. Shoot."

"Do you think I should try and call Jeanne? Maybe she isn't sure if she should contact us. Or it might be that Bernardo is worried that somehow whoever has them squirreled away has set up a way to trace cell calls."

Jed thought for a moment while he shaved the rest of his face. Finished, he rinsed the razor, knocked it against the sink for good measure, and wiped his face.

"Good point," he acknowledged at last. "It might be worth the chance, though, to see if we have enemies in our midst."

"Okay. I'm going to call her right now before we go downstairs."

Jed watched as she brought up her contacts list, found number for Jeanne Ferren, and hit Dial. He waited, watching, but nothing happened.