There was a long silence and Autumn forced herself to awareness, curious as to what was happening. She opened her eyes slowly to see Mitch standing beside the bed, a strange expression on his face.
"Well?" Randy prodded. "I didn't think that was such a hard question."
Mitch let out a slow breath. "I think it would work better if you went on home tonight, buddy. Okay?"
That woke Autumn up. She glanced at Randy, standing there naked with his mouth open.
"Are you shitting me? What the hell's going on here?"
Mitch shrugged. "Just-just go on home, okay? We've had a great party here but it's over. For tonight."
Randy looked at Autumn as if to find some clue but she was as mystified as he was. Mitch had explained to her carefully exactly how the two men did this and the sleepover with morning sex was part of it. Finally he shrugged and reached for his clothes.
"Whatever you say, Mitchell. But you'll have to explain to me what's going on here, okay?"