Dear blog friends,
If anyone had ever told me sex could be exhilarating, rejuvenating and enthralling I'd have hit them with a frying pan. After so many years of men who thought of it as an exercise to gain relief, or who had to apologize for their lack of performance, or worse yet, for the entire episode concluding so fast I wasn't even sure it had happened, it is wonderful to find a man-yes, a young man *growl*-to whom it is an art. Now I know what the term performance magic means. There is definitely something to be said for younger men. Wait, make that a lot to be said.
Mitch has been with me in my bed every night since the first one. I am exhausted but energized by the time dawn arrives, when he leaves to go to his own house to protect me from prying eyes. I don't get many hours of sleep-I'm up with the chickens working my fool head off around here-but the sleep I do get is deep and refreshing.