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Chapter 14

They had met up with Chad Hallowell at The Daily Roast where of The Plan kicked off. Matt was so grateful to the guy he almost embarrassed both of them by hugging him. Now as they waited for Chad's return and a report, Matt fiddled with his empty coffee cup until his sister smacked his hand.

"Stop that. You're not twelve years old."

He looked across the table at her, his lips curved in a half-grin.

"Maybe not but I sure feel like it right now."

"Like when you were in high school and asking Lizzie St. John out for the first time?" Brenna teased.

Matt nodded. "Exactly like that. Except I wish I was that kid again. I'd know better than to make the same mistakes I did all these years."

"Maybe. Maybe not." She leaned forward. "You couldn't see anything but hockey from the time you were ten years old. You were lucky to find a girl who put up with you." She sighed. "Of course, in your own inimitable manner, you managed to tell her that she should welcome being out on the back burner while you moved ahead with your career."

"Yeah." He scratched the back of his neck. "Bad form there. Shit, Brenna. Is there a rewind so I can do it all over again? I can't believe what a selfish, self-centered bastard I was."

"Isn't that what today is all about, big brother? Trying to start fresh with Liz? Make a new start and let her know what a mistake you made before?" She giggled. "I have to say, that poem really did it for me."

"Oh, for god's sake," he chuffed. "I'm no poet. I just did the best I could. I tried to put what I felt into it."

"That you did." Brenna nodded. "I think it was a lot better than if you'd tried to polish it more."

"I just hope this all works."

"You have a good program laid out here and we've done the best we could to put it together. The rest is up to you."

"I know." He rubbed his jaw. "That's what worries me." He looked at his watch for the tenth time. "I hope he doesn't damage The Cup."

"Damn, Mattie." Brenna smacked his arm. "If I didn't know how important that trophy is to the team I'd tell you to forget about it. Chasing after it was want got you in this situation in the first place."

"Don't remind me," he groaned.

Brenna sat up straighter as a familiar figure strode through the door and headed toward them. "Oh, good. Here's Chad. Let's get a progress report."

Chad Hallowell carried The Cup to their booth in the corner and set it down on the table.

"Not even a scratch," he told Matt.

"What did she say?" Matt did his best to put a leash on his impatience.

"I'd say she was duly impressed. And totally stunned."

"Stunned as in good or stunned as in what an idiot I am?"

Chad laughed softly. "Maybe a little bit of both. But I'd say more on the good side. I think it made an impression on her."

Matt grunted. "Let's hope she doesn't think I'm a total nutcase."

"I have to say, this is the first time I've been asked for a signed photo to help move a romance along." He winked at Brenna. "Maybe I should start a new sideline business."

"I want you to know how much we appreciate this," she told him. "I know how busy you are and you were under no obligation to take time to help us out."

"Are you kidding? My curiosity gene was going full tilt. And I guarantee you my wife is waiting for a full report."

"What was her reaction?" Matt persisted.

"She actually seemed a little stunned by the whole thing," Chad told him. "But she didn't throw me out."

"Well, you have my undying thanks," Brenna said. "Really. I hope my bosses don't think I was abusing the privilege of one of our clients."

"If they give you any trouble, send them along to me." He glanced at his watch. "Listen, I've got to run but I'd love to hear what all else goes on today. Brenna, can you send me an email tomorrow?"

"Sure." She nodded. "But if everything works out the way my brother hopes, you and the whole world may find out at the same time."

He grinned. "I'm not sure I want to know what that's about. Just email or text me if I need to see something." He rose from the chair and shook hands with both of them.

"Thanks so much for doing this," Matt said. "I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. "

"Hey! I'm excited I have a fan who likes my character so much that getting my autograph is one of her special wishes. Good luck, guys And Brenna? Don't forget to keep me posted."

Brenna turned to Matt as soon as Chad had left. "Okay, what's next?"

"I'm waiting for my agent to call back. He was getting in touch with the Rage public relations people to coordinate with them." He shrugged. "I'm not sure they still want to do this after the way I blew it off."

"That's what you have an agent for," she reminded him. "We need to find out what time you have to be at the television station, or if maybe they want to do it at a remote location. Then we can work on the other stuff on the schedule."

"But you made those two calls, right?" He was so on edge about everything. It all had to be perfect,. If he blew it this time he was done for.

"I did. We're just waiting for - "

Matt's cell phone rang at that moment and he looked at the screen. "It's my agent." He blew out a breath before answering the call.

"Okay, Mattie," Jeff Bentsen said. "The television people figured you were blowing them off so they were ready to bag it. I did some fast talking and we're back on."

"Because you have a golden tongue and a smooth style," Matt joked.

"And don't you forget it. They are running a teaser at noon from some video they have of the final Cup game. Then you need to be at the studio by four o'clock. They'll do some prep work with you, get you comfortable, ask all the background questions."

"You told them what I want to do?" Matt asked. "And they agreed to it?"

"I did. At first they thought we were both crazy."

"But they agreed to it," Matt persisted.

Jeff's laugh boomed across the connection. "Oh, yeah. They decided it would be a great ratings coup. In fact, they plan to run it again at ten o'clock."

Matt let out a breath of relief. "Thanks, Jeff. I owe you for this one."

"And don't you forget it. Oh, and they all want their picture taken with you and The Cup, so be prepared to do a lot of smiling."

"Gotcha." Relied washed over him.

"On another note," Jeff went on, "I've still got a lot of people clamoring for you, Mattie. Foundations that want you to be their spokesman. Companies that think you'd make a great icon for them. Organizations that support the rehab of people with career-ending injuries. A whole list. So you call me tomorrow and we'll set up a time for us to meet."

"Whatever you want," he promised.

"You call me first thing tomorrow," Jeff insisted. "We'll start to work out the details." He chuckled. "And I want to know how the great marriage proposal scheme works out."

"I'll do it, and that's a promise." He disconnected the call and looked at his sister. "Okay, now I have to call Dara and tell her to do her part."

"You think she can handle it?" Brenna wanted to know. "Rumor has it that Liz is a major workaholic."

"This was her suggestion to prep Liz for later, so I'm assuming the answer is yes. Right now we need to hit a jewelry store before we make the rest of the arrangements." He looked at his watch. "And somewhere in the middle of everything I have to go home, shower, and change."

"Don't worry, little brother," Brenna teased. "I'll make sure you get everything done when you are supposed."

He blew out a breath. "I don't know how to thank you for all of this. I can't believe you'd give up your day for this after the shitty way I behaved."

Brenna reached across the table and took one of his hands in hers.

"Listen to me. No matter what, you're my brother. I love you no matter how much of an ass or a pain in the neck you are. It's obvious to me you've had a real epiphany here. Maybe that injury to your k nee knocked some sense into your head." She paused. "Two things are obvious to me. You have a lot of regrets to deal with and you still love Liz. You want to make amends to everyone. I believe you are sincere." Them she grinned. "Besides, my boss is one of your biggest fans and practically ordered me to do it, right?"

His mouth curved in a half-grin. "So he did. Okay, then. Let's get to it."