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Chapter 19

"We're going to get those shots printed while you're on the air," Forteza told him. "We'll paper clip everyone's name to their photo. If you could take a few minutes before you leave to sign them that would be great."

"Oh, of course. No problem at all. Happy to do it."

And then he'd get the hell out of there so he was on time for the next phase of his plan.

As soon as everyone was ushered out of the lounge, Rod gestured for Matt and Brenna to sit down again. Matt lowered himself to the couch again as Rod sat down in one of the armchairs across from them. He did his best not to appear nervous, but a lot was riding on this television appearance. More, in fact, than any one but Brenna really knew.

"Let's take some time to chat a little before we go into the studio, okay?" Rod asked.

Matt nodded. "Sure thing. Whatever you need."

"I've got all the usual stuff from our library and your agent. I want to know about the real Matt Vorchak. Especially about this big surprise thing you've got going."

"Okay. I'll do my best to tell you."

"That final game in the championship series was one for the ages," Rod commented. "It's a shame that turned out to be your last one."

Matt swallowed down the pain and resentment that fact always stirred up in him. Except today it didn't seem to be quite so intense. In fact, surprisingly, he barely noticed the emotions.

"Yes, but I'm moving on with my life. Winning The Cup was a goal all my life,. Now I have time for other things."

Rod's mouth twitched with a suppressed smile. "Like the lady you're reaching out to, I'm guessing."

"Yes. A situation I neglected far too long. Now I'm hoping it's not too late to show her just how much she means to me."

"We'll do our best to help you," Rod assured him.

As they chatted, Matt felt himself begin to relax. Talking about the Cajun Rage, his teammates and the battle for The Cup was easy and he'd already done it a number of times. But when he got to the subject of his obsession with hockey walked softly. This was crossing over into how he'd screwed up his personal life and he needed to choose his words carefully.

Brenna was a godsend. Where he faltered about the early years, she was able to tell stories about junior hockey and his workouts in the back yard. Where he was reticent, she talked about how proud his family was of him and all that he'd accomplished.

Rod Terrier was very good at putting people at ease, though, and little by little Matt found himself relaxing. At least as much as he could, considering the circumstances. Terrier got him to talk about the other teams he'd been with and how frustrated he became at not being able to break through on a winner. The man was skillful at drawing out stories of Matt's experiences in his chase for The Cup.

And then, finally, Rod steered the conversation back to his big deal for today. It was painful telling a stranger how so self-involved he'd been that he saw nothing in expecting a woman to wait around for him for however long it took the reach his goal.

"I guess you'd have to say I was selfish and totally clueless." He told the reporter.

"But now you've realize what you walked away from," Terrier said.

"More than that. It kills me to think of what I missed all these years. We could have been together all this time. Lizzie would never have stood in the way of my goal. In fact, she would have supported me along the way."

"But like a lot of men, including myself, as a matter of fact, you thought she'd just be waiting for you when you got to where you were going."

"I don't know what I thought." Matt rubbed his hand over his face. "But now I have a problem."

"She's with someone else?"

"No, thank god." He shook his head. "But she's not with me, either. I have to convince her that I really love her. That walking away was a big mistake."

Rod gave him a searching look. "Do you think this was prompted by the injury in that final game that ended your career?"

"No." Matt shook his head. "And I don't want her to get that idea, either. She's not second best. Not something I've settled for. All the injury did was put me in a position to examine my life." He shook his head. "I sure didn't like what I saw."

"So what's your big plan, then?"

Matt laid it all out for him, starting with the roses that morning.

"As you know, each player gets twenty-four hours with The Cup. I want to used mine to show her that she means more to me than The Cup does, but that winning it is meaningless unless she shares it with me."

Rod's mouth curved in a wry smile. "That's a tall order, my man."

"Don't I know it. But I'm hoping when she hears me on television she'll know I'm serious."

"And not tell you to take a hike, right?"

Matt nodded. "Got it in one. I'm no t usually one for grand gestures, but I sure need one here. Plus, I only have The Cup until tomorrow and I want to show her she's more important to me. And to share it with her."

"Well, I wish you luck, man." Rod pushed himself out of the chair. "Someone will be in shortly to primp you a little for the camera. Sports is on at fifteen after the hours. I'll do a recap of what's what in the sports world and then bring you on. That work for you?"

"However you want to do it."

"I think we'll do the background, the basic interview with video in the background, and then the floor is yours."

"Thank you so much. " Matt shook the man's hand harder than he intended. "Really."

"You better be sure to let me know how it turns out."

"Oh, I will. Definitely."

He winked at Brenna. "Maybe if all is good we can do a spot with the happy couple. Okay, my man. See you shortly."

When the sportscaster had left, Matt sank back down on the couch.

"I hope I don't sweat up a storm," he told Brenna. "I'm just so fucking nervous."

"Just relax," she told him. "Be yourself. Be honest with your feelings. It will come across."

"Let's hope she doesn't get mad at me for this and tell me to take a hike."

"Mattie, you're already hiking," Brenna joked. "This is to make sure you can walk it back."

"Okay, okay, okay." He drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"You'll be in the studio, right? I was told you would have a place outside camera range to watch."

"I'm sure they'll take good care of me," she assured him. "Let's get you calmed down."