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Chapter 25

"It will fade," Matt told her, his body suddenly tense. "They assured me of that. It just takes time."

"It's just a scar," she told him. "It's not who you are." She reached up and touched his chest where his heart was. "This is who you are. Do not forget it."

He blew out a breath and the tension eased from him. Then he knelt before her again, lifted one foot and undid the straps of the sandal. He eased it off, dropping it to the floor, then bent his head to lick her arch and drop a kiss on her toes. By the time he repeated it with the other foot she was shaking again with need.

And they'd hardly done anything yet!

Leaving trails of tiny kisses, he divested her of her bra and panties before moving her up on the bed so her head was on the pillows. Placing himself between her legs, his powerful thighs spreading her toned ones, he supped her face in his big palms and looked her in the eye, a deep, searching look.