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Chapter 30

Kristin slid around on her stool, her jaw nearly dropping to the floor as she spotted the man who'd entered the pub. Talk about a hot man on the hoof. She guessed his height at about five ten, with neat, short brown hair, a muscular compact body accentuated by the T-shirt stretched across his shoulders and the jeans that emphasized his strong legs. Even in the low light of the bar, she could see he had about a three-day scruff decorating his jaw line, just enough to be sexy and send out a message to her misbehaving hormones.

Now there was someone she could get on board having fun with. If she was into fun.

Down, girl!

With her luck, he was either married, recovering from a bad breakup, or gay. Yup, she sure could pick them.

From the way he looked around, it was obvious he hadn't been here before. He glanced at the scarcely inhabited booths and tables then headed toward the bar. In another life, she would have given him a welcoming smile.