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Chapter 34

At once, he wanted to kick himself in the ass and bang his head on the table. Low profile, he repeated silently. Low profile. No women. No women! But holy fucking shit. Kristin Kitts must be weaving a magic spell of some kind around him. Anyway, he reminded himself, she'd soon be off to her next assignment. No reason why they couldn't keep each other company while she was here.

Keep each other company? Okay, if that's what he wanted to call it.


I'm doing exactly what I said I wouldn't and probably getting in over my head.

Yeah, that was the fucking truth. But since he'd laid eyes on her, he hadn't seemed to be able to get her out of his brain. Not to mention the fact he seemed to be spacing out in the middle of conversations. He was grateful the crowd at these tables was large and noisy, everyone talking over everyone else. Hopefully, none of them noticed.