Jenna smoothed her hair back, tightened her ponytail, and sent the document on her screen to the computer. She'd created a new spreadsheet the week she started at La Riata for each new influx of guests. It provided information on preferred activities and food allergies, any special needs. She made sure everyone on her staff as well as the hands responsible for the activities got a copy. That way, everyone could be well prepared. Despite the expected blips now and then, things were running quite smoothly. She gave herself a mental pat on the back.
If only her life were running as smoothly.
"Got a full house this week," the familiar deep voice said.
She jerked her head up and there he was, the star of her erotic dreams, the man who made her as nervous as a tap dancer on a high wire. There hadn't been any repeats of the incidents with the rope, but she was always aware of the intense looks he gave her and the heat flaring in his eyes whenever he was around her. And he always had that damn piece of rope with him, letting it slide through his fingers or curling it into small loops while he looked at her as if he could see right inside her. Maybe he could. Sometimes she thought she should just go ahead, jump into bed with him and get it over with. Then they could move on.
But could they, really? What if she was misreading all the signals and the rope had nothing to do with the erotic signals he was sending her? Worse yet, what if it turned out to be so spectacular that after one night she became addicted to him and -
No. She gave herself a mental shake. Never gonna happen. She just could not take the chance, either with her job or her life.
"Is it something I did?"
Jenna blinked, startled. "What? What did - " She shook her head.
He was on the other side of the reception counter, but there might as well have been nothing between them. His presence always seemed to fill the room. He leaned forward on his forearms, pinning her with his gaze. "I haven't figured out yet if I frighten you or piss you off."
"Uh, neither. I just - " What was it with this man that he rattled her so? She couldn't even finish her sentences.
Before she realized what he was doing, he came around to her side of the counter. Looking around to see if anyone else was in the big area, he backed her towards the office and, once inside, closed the door.
"I may regret this, we both might, but, damn it, I have to do this."
Before she could ask what he meant or move away, he tangled his fingers in her ponytail, using it to hold her head firm. His mouth descended on hers, a gentle glide at first then harder, pressing his lips against hers, and she thought, Nice. She felt his tongue trace the seam of her mouth, pressing slightly until she opened for him and he swept in like a marauder. And the kiss went from nice to devouring in half a second.
His tongue was hot and demanding, scouring every internal inch, even licking the surface of her teeth and her gums before seeking her own tongue. He fed from her like a starving man, one hand pulling her hair tight to immobilize her head, the other flat against her ass, pressing her body hard to his. Even through two layers of clothing she could feel the hard, thick ridge of his cock and the heat of his body.
By the time he lifted his mouth from hers, her eyes were glazed, and she could barely breathe. She looked up at Dylan through a sensuous fog.
"What just happened?"
He still had her ponytail wound around his fingers. "Exactly what I was afraid of. No, scratch that. Exactly what I expected if I ever decided to quit playing it safe and kiss you. Five more seconds and we'd burn each other up."
"I - I..." There she went, stammering again. And hadn't she made up her mind to tell him this couldn't happen anymore?
Dylan scorched her with his gaze. "Here are two things for you to keep in mind. I am definitely going to have you in my bed, in a variety of ways. And I am never going to betray the trust it will take for you to get there. Count on it."
Without any warning, he stepped back and opened the door to the office. Then he looked at her again.
"Oh, and nothing in any way affects your job. There's no way I could replace you, so whatever happens next, we do carefully. The dude ranch can't afford to lose you." He stared at her for a long moment. "And neither can I."
Then he was gone, leaving her standing in the middle of the office, stunned as if she'd been hit by lightning. She struggled to breathe, her heart racing, her breath trapped in her lungs. What the hell had just happened?
"Jenna? You okay?"
She forced herself back to awareness. Rob stood there with a look of concern on his face.
"Yes. I'm fine." She gave a weak laugh. "At least I think I am. What can I do for you?"
"Randy got a call at the stable here. Someone who wanted to join the new group but wanted to surprise you." He frowned. "He didn't seem to take too kindly to Randy telling him you were the only one who could take reservations but he'd be happy to put you through."
Jenna's stomach clenched. No one but Toni knew she was working here. She'd been very careful not to let the word get out. This could only be Tim Bergmann, but how the hell had he found out where she was? One thought slammed into her, with unpleasant force. Had he hired a private detective? He had the money to hire the best and they could ferret anyone out. Just the thought of it made her nauseous.
"Jenna?" Rob had a concerned look on his face. "Are you okay? Is this someone who wants to make trouble for you?"
"God." She blew out a breath. "Let's hope not."
What if he just decided to show up? Who knew what the hell he'd do? She'd be putting the ranch, the guests, everyone at risk. What she ought to do was pack and get out of here, but she couldn't make herself just walk away. She had a job she loved and a man she wanted more than her next breath but was afraid to give herself to. She'd about made up her mind after that kiss to maybe give it a shot. She couldn't let Tim Bergmann ruin that for her.
"If there's a problem," Rob said, "you know we'll take care of it. Right? Right, Jenna?"
She nodded. "I don't think there will be any." Please, no.
While she was standing there, trying to think what to do, Rob's cell phone rang.
"Hey, Sis. What's up?" His smile disappeared as he listened. "Uh huh. Uh huh. What? Are you fucking kidding me? Who is this jackoff? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got it. What kind of car? Okay. All right. You want to talk to her? Hold on." He held out the phone. "For you."
Jenna's hand trembled as she held it out for the phone.
"Toni? What's up?"