Chapter 6

Catching her bottom lip between her teeth, Jamie brushed Mike's hand away and wrapped her own around the turgid shaft practically staring her in the face. It pulsed hot beneath her touch, the skin covering the steel softer than silk. With her thumb she brushed the bead of fluid sitting on the slit, smoothing it over the velvety head. The cock was so thick she couldn't get her fingers completely around it so she added the other hand. Casually she stroked up and down, slowly at first then faster as the hard shaft throbbed beneath her touch.

"Better go easy," he warned, his voice thick and raspy. "My control isn't what I'd like it to be at the moment."

Jamie stared at it as her hands continued their sliding motion. "We may have a problem here. I'm not sure it will fit."

Golden heat flared in his eyes. "Don't worry, I'll make sure it does."

A shiver of delight skated over her and the jungle drum beating in her pussy increased the intensity of its beat. She increased the speed of her strokes just a little and Mike closed one of his large hands over hers."

"Stop. My control isn't what I want it to be. I'd like nothing better than for you to keep those slim fingers wrapped around my cock and rub it until I come all over your hands. Unless it's having your sweet lips around it so I can fill your mouth and your throat. But before that I'm going to come in your pussy, because I've been dreaming about that since the first minute I saw you."

"Y-You have?" she stammered.

He nodded, bent his head and swiped his tongue across her lower lip where she'd bitten down with her teeth. Brushing her hands away from his shaft he gave it a stroke or two himself before sliding back enough to flip her over onto her stomach. In the next moment she felt his warm lips leaving a trail of kisses down her spine, feathery touches down to the cheeks of her ass. When he gave each globe open-mouthed kisses she trembled with anticipation but nothing came close to the feeling when he drew the tip of his tongue down the hot crevice between those two globes.

Mike spread her thighs, kneeling between them before he tucked a pillow beneath her head and urged her arms around it.

"Hold onto that and don't move." His voice was rough and commanding.

Lust surged through Jamie and she felt her own moisture on her thighs. Mike palmed her buttocks, squeezing slightly before tracing his tongue down that hot tunnel again all the way to her pussy. She felt the tip of it stroke her exposed labia and tunnel lightly into her hot channel. Then the touch was gone, only to be repeated. And again. And again. The caress was lighter than the touch of a feather and she wanted to scream at him. Tell him Harder! Deeper!

But he had his own agenda and his own rhythm. He held her in place with his large, warm hands, his position between her legs keeping her spread for his attention while he teased and tasted and drove her crazy. Down, swirl and back up. Down, swirl and back up, until every nerve fired and her cunt screamed for relief. She was half out of her mind with pure animal lust. At this point she didn't care how he fucked her or where as long as he got down to business. Soon.

"Please," she begged at least.

"Please what?" His words vibrated against her skin.

"Please...make me come."

His laugh had a dark and dirty sound to it. "Not good enough, Tell me, Jamie. What do you want me to do?"

"Please..." His tongue slid through that hot cleft again. "Please..."

"Say it." His voice was suddenly hard and demanding. "Say it and you'll get it."

"Please fuck me," she cried. "Please, please, please. Do it any way you want."

He bit one cheek of her ass lightly. "That's what I like to hear."

He gave the other cheek a nip and reached over to the bedside table for the condom he'd tossed there. Jamie turned her head to watch him, amazed that he'd found one big enough for him to use. She wanted to tell him to hurry, her body was in acute need. In an instant he pulled her to her knees and stuffed the pillows beneath her for support. She jerked when she felt the head of his cock at her opening and her body tensed.

"You can take it." His voice was nearly unrecognizable, thick as it was with erotic hunger. "Relax. Take a deep breath and let it out."

She did as he told her, and on the exhale he pushed slightly into her body.

"There you go. Do it again." He bit one cheek of her ass again, a little harder this time and pushed in even deeper. "It's so much better this way, Jamie. I could fuck you from behind morning, noon and night." He pushed in a little more. "Looking at that sweet ass makes me even harder."

Harder? She didn't think that was possible.

"Another breath, Jamie. Come on." He bit her ass then licked both cheeks. "Let it out."

Strangely, the stinging bites didn't hurt. Instead they only ramped up her desire, her need, and sent more of her juices to lubricate her channel. With his hands on her hips he rocked her body, mimicking his own motion. Back and forth. Back and forth,. Each time filling her a little more, until...until...

Until...Oh, god! He was all the way in!

Her body felt as if it was on fire, heat searing every nerve ending.

"Get ready." His voice was a deep rumble. "One more deep breath."

In an instant he sped up his rhythm and Jamie lost all sense of self and place. Harder, faster he drove her. She was aware of nothing except the intense heat spreading throughout her body, Mike's enormous cock stretching her pussy as he pounded in and out, and the orgasm building deep inside her.

When the explosion came she was sure she would shatter from it. She had the sense of falling through space, pushed by a whirlwind, every muscle clenching, the walls of her pussy clenching in uncontrollable spasms. She couldn't breathe, couldn't feel her heart beat, couldn't sense anything except the endless eruption inside her. Giving herself up to a reaction she hadn't even been able to imagine, she collapsed onto the pillows while Mike's cock continued to flex and pulse inside her.


Opened her eyes and reached for her book but it wasn't there. In fact, she wasn't in the chair. She was face down on her bed with no recollection of how she got there. And naked! Holy mother!

"Mrow!" Mischief leaped up onto the bed next to her and rubbed her soft face against Jamie's bare shoulder.

"Mischief? What happened? How did I move here without knowing about it?"

Mischief sat daintily and licked a paw. "Mew."

"You're a big help." The light was lit on her nightstand, another anomaly. She always turned it off before she went to sleep. And the blinds were open just enough for her to see that the first fingers of dawn were reaching down from the sky. Where had the night gone, anyway?

Frowning she pushed herself to a sitting position then groaned when every muscle in her body protested. Not to mention the fact that her pussy felt as if she'd been on a week-long marathon with superjock and his supercock. She actually felt as if some beast had crawled into bed with her and had his way, but that was impossible.

It's all this Halloween stuff. People keep telling me I'm too much into the holiday. Maybe I've gotten my mind all twisted up about it.

But that still didn't explain how she got to her bedroom and was naked, or where the soreness in her body came from. She drew in a deep breath and wrinkled her nose as she inhaled. Sex! The room smelled like sex.

What the hell was going on?

She stumbled into the bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror over the sink. Her face was flushed as if she'd just had sex and her eyes had that post-orgasm glow to them.

"Oh, my god. What's going on with me?"

Still moving slowly she pulled her robe from the hook on the bathroom door and pulled it around her. The bed, when she took a good look at it, certainly looked as if she'd had an orgy. Sheets rumpled and twisted, pillows bunched together. Quilt and coverlet tossed to the foot.

Okay, there was a simple explanation. She'd fallen asleep in the chair reading, somehow gotten herself to bed and fallen back to sleep without putting on her sleep shirt. And she'd had a nightmare. That was it. Maybe she'd been wrestling with one of those werewolves she'd been reading about.

Still moving slowly she made her way to the living room to turn off the lights and check the locks. The lamp still burned by her chair but the book lay neatly on the coffee table as if placed there precisely. Yet something looked out of place about it. She picked it up and searched for the place she'd left her bookmark, realizing now what was wrong. No bookmark! What could have happened to it? Not only that, as she flipped to the front of the book to see if she'd tucked it there, she noticed part of the family chart was missing.

Damn! Surely she hadn't torn it out and not remembered.

The kitchen light was on, too, the little one over the sink. She checked the back door, startled to find it unlocked. That was strange. She was sure she'd locked it after Mike left. She always tried to be very careful about things like that.

She jumped, startled, when Mischief wound her soft body around her legs.

"Oh, Kitty." She blew out a breath. "You startled me. How did you let me leave this door unlocked? And how did I get to the bedroom?"

Maybe it had happened when she checked to see if something in fact had run through her yard? Had she been that careless? Distracted by her eagerness to get back to the book? She remembered talking to Mike, her new neighbor. Her new sexy neighbor. Feeding Mischief then fixing something for herself and settling in the chair with that book. And then...

Then what? Was she going crazy?

Not even knowing why she did it, she opened the door to look into the back yard. Was it her imagination or did a large black dog streak past her and disappear between the houses? She slammed the door hard enough to rattle the glass in the window, pulled the shade down and twisted the deadbolt.

She needed a long shower and a full pot of coffee. There'd be no going back to sleep for the rest of the night. Today was Halloween. She had a packed morning at the library. Then she planned to come home and put up the decorations.

And keep an eye on her neighbor.