Chapter 12

"Only one piece each," Jamie cautioned, grinning as the Ninja warriors in front of her helped themselves from the bowl she held. "And don't eat them all at once," she called after them as they ran laughing down the walk.


The sound of her name startled her so she almost dropped the bowl. She looked to either side but outside the small halo of her porch light the night was now thickly dark.


There it was again. Only it didn't seem to come from anyplace around her. Instead, it echoed only in her head. Her stomach knotted in fear yet she was rooted to the porch, unable to move as if waiting for something.

Jamie. Don't scream. It's me, Mike. Concentrate and answer me.

Good lord. She could hear him inside her head. She gripped the bowl so tight her fingers ached. She had read about this in the book. Shifters had the ability to communicate telepathically with each other. And if the man or woman they mated with was human, they awoke the same ability in them. Mated. The word alone made her body thrum with sexual need. Again she thought about last night and wondered if she had been meant for this all along. To take that first step into an existence different from anything she'd ever known.

She was alone for the moment with no one to tell her she was crazy, so she concentrated very hard.

Mike? Is that you?

Holy god! It was just like the book said. Black and white wolves retained the ability of human thought. Was that what allowed them to communicate telepathically?

You heard me? Damn! It really works.

What works?

That shifters can communicate with humans chosen as their mates.

Jamie nearly dropped the bowl. Mates? Did he say mates?

Did you say mates?

I did. Listen. Don't freak, but I'm going to move up beside you. And I won't look like me.

A ribbon of thrill snaked through her. Everything she'd read so far in the book came rushing back to her on a tidal wave of excitement. She sat perfectly still, watching from the corner of her eye as a large animal moved softly into her peripheral range. She turned her head slightly and her eyes widened. A huge black-pelted animal moved casually until it was on the porch right next to her. About the size of a Great Pyrenees dog, it could have been one of the drawings in the book come to life.

Strangely she felt no fear. Excitement churned in her stomach and her pulse thumped heavily. She had to work to control her breathing.

Touch me.


Touch me. I want to feel your hand on me. Go on. Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you, but you know that, don't you.

And oddly enough she did. She reached out a hand, tentative at first, touched the thick black hair and at once began to caress the beast with long smooth strokes. An instant connection zapped between them, surging through her body, snaking a feeling of calm through her. She felt no fear at all, only that linking, the feeling they belonged together.

At that moment a group of five stragglers made their way up her walk.

Don't worry. Just keep your hand on my head. Everything will be fine.

Her nerves jangled but she did as he asked, smiling as the kids approached her.

"Wow!" One of them said. "That's some big dog you have there."

Jamie swallowed hard and smiled. "Yes, it is."

"He looks almost like that big statue you have on the porch."

She slid a glance at Lupo. "I think you may be right. So how about dividing up the rest of the candy? I think I'm about done for the night."

"No kidding. You mean it?"

"Absolutely. Go ahead."

Five pairs of hands reached into the bowl, grabbing everything they could. In seconds the bowl was empty and the kids raced back down to the street.

"We got a real haul," she heard the tallest one say. "Man, I'm glad we came here last."

Very well done.

Jamie laughed. Thank you.

Up for a little ride with me?

She turned and stared at him. Wolves can drive?

Maybe, but I thought I'd put on my clothes first. Just in case.

This whole thing with Mike was the scariest, most daring thing Jamie had ever done. Yet at the same time it felt completely right.

Sure. Let me put away the bowl and get my jacket.

She rose slowly and watched as the giant wolf loped easily across the strip of lawn separating the two houses. As she let herself into her house she gave thanks the streets were empty now. Not everyone would think that was a huge dog keeping her company.


Parking under a tree at the edge of a wide meadow, he'd stood with her for a long time in front of the truck, holding her hand, gathering his courage to do this. Once he did this there was no going back. They either went forward together or he left, once again alone.

He gave her a last hard, fast, hungry kiss. Then he'd stripped off his clothes and stood before her, naked. Watching her face he'd allowed his body to shift, answering the urgent messages it had been sending him. Waiting. Watching. She smiled and the anxiety inside him eased.

I'll be back soon.

I'll be here.

She sat on the tailgate of his truck, holding the travel mug of coffee he fixed for her, and watched him as he ran wild and free across the open land. He raced into the wood at the far end of property, indulged himself by rolling on the ground and inhaling the scent of the earth and the forest animals. Then, realizing it probably wasn't wise to leave her alone out here for long, he raced back, the wind stroking his face until he returned to the truck.

He kept his eyes on her as he slowed his pace and finally stopped before her, waiting for her reaction. The last thing he expected was for her to jump down onto the ground and throw her arms around his neck. And shock the shit out of him with her next word.


Really? Just like that? You don't want to think over something this crazy?

What I want to do is go home with you.


"Can you do it again this soon?" Jamie studied him intently.

"You mean shift?"

She nodded.

Mike laughed. "Yes, but I have other things on my mind right now."

He looked at the woman stretched out full length in front of his fireplace. Ten minutes earlier they'd returned from the spot outside the town where he'd driven them.

Now they watched the flames literally dance behind the fireplace glass and sipped their drinks - wine for her, a beer for him. They had been talking for the better part of two hours, examining this relationship from every angle. And discussing the book.

"So it didn't belong to my family at all?" she asked one more time.

"Sorry." He grinned. "But it did lead you to me."

"In a strange way, yes." She took a tiny swallow of wine. "I've been making up paranormal romances for as long as I can remember. I was kind of hoping my ideas had roots in my history."

"Maybe those ideas are what allowed you to be ready for me," he pointed out.

She licked a stray drop of wine from her lip, a swipe of her tongue that made his cock swell and send him messages.

"Maybe. It's important for you to know I don't just fall into lust or anything else with every man who comes along."

He lifted her free hand and ran the edge of his tongue over her knuckles. "I know that. You're different than any other woman I've ever been with."

"I, um, may disappoint you." A delicate blush crept up her cheeks.

He took her wine glass and his beer and set them both on the coffee table. Then he slid onto the thick rug in front of the fireplace, taking her with him.

"Jamie, nothing you do could ever disappoint me. You have no idea how I love every part of you - the bright funny librarian and the very sexy woman. Last night was - "

"Not something I dreamt, right?" She gave a soft laugh.

"We already talked about that." He brushed loose strands of her hair back from her face. "I know that book had a passage about the hypnotic effect of a shifter's eyes. It's true. We just have to be careful how we use it." He lifted her hand and ran his tongue over her knuckles. "But when I saw you in that chair, when you - "

She touched her fingertips to his mouth. "Ssh. Yes. You told me. And I'm so glad you did."

"When we mate tonight," he said in slow, careful words, "it will be forever. Can you commit to that after barely knowing me?"

"You told me you know the moment you saw me. I think I felt the connection at once but after last night and today, I'm sure of it. Everything else is just details."

Jamie laughed. "I believe in Fate, don't you? Otherwise my grandparents would never have bought the house your great, great grandparents used to live in, I never would have found the book you were looking for. And maybe we would never have met."

"But we did. So yes, I believe in Fate."

She ran her tongue over her lower lip. "Can you shift again, so I watch you in the light?"


She frowned. "After what?"


He rolled so he was on top of her and pressed his mouth very lightly to hers, barely a kiss. His hot tongue slipped out to trace the seam of her lips, licking very gently. He tasted each corner before swiping across the appetizing flesh, lapping as if devouring a lollipop.