Chapter 8

“Um, yes, we can do that. I’d like that. Absolutely.”

The smile he gave her curled her toes. “Great.”

The atmosphere for the rest of the dinner was much more relaxed. Killian told her about growing up in Montana, how he’d been in love with ranching all his life, and how his love for it had continued to grow. She talked about Red Creek, about her parents who owned a wheat farm outside of town, and her brother who was a Marine stationed in Afghanistan.

“And you run Heart Starter,” he commented. “Did you always want to be a shopkeeper? A barista?”

Now it was her turn to laugh. “Barista,” she repeated. “That’s a fancy word for Red Creek. Maybe not my childhood dream, but I enjoy it.”

“So what was your dream growing up?”

She hesitated. Should she tell him about that dream, the one she was still chasing? No, not yet. Most people who knew about it chalked it up to a hobby, and unless something spectacular happened, that was probably what it would remain. Especially after her one disastrous relationship had tanked partly because of it and sent her back to Red Creek. She didn’t like to dwell on either and was grateful people didn’t ask her questions.

“Oh, just this and that,” she said as casually as she could. “I’m not very interesting. I’d rather hear about you.”

“And I’d rather her about you,” he insisted.

“I told you. I’m really very boring.”

He had finished eating his dinner. Now, he reached across the table and took one of her hands in his. “I don’t think there’s a boring bone in your body, darlin’.”

She was determined to bring the focus back to him. “Tell me about those scars on your face.” To soften the remark, she added, “They’re very sexy.” Damn! She shouldn’t have said that, either.

“Sexy? Really?” He winked. “Glad to hear it.”

“So, where did you get them?” she repeated, determined to keep their conversation out of dangerous territory.

He shrugged. “Paying more attention to myself than the horse. We had a little battle over which one of us was boss.”

She laughed. “And the horse won?”

One corner of his mouth, the one with the scar, kicked up in a tiny grin. “Only one time.”

“Tell me more about your work on the ranch. I want to know everything about you.”

His face sobered. “One thing you should know, Lexie, is when my week is over, I don’t intend to hang around. I have plans.”

One week and he’d be gone. Didn’t that make him a safe bet for her little fling, or whatever she chose to call it? So, why the sudden pang of disappointment?

“I’m a big girl, Killian. Right now, I’m out for dinner with a very hot cowboy. Let’s do this one day at a time. No promises, no commitments.”

“I have plans,” he persisted, as if he wanted to be positive she understood where he was coming from. “Dusty’s money will let me follow them.”

“That’s good. So, let’s just spend some time together.” A thought stabbed at her. “Unless this is your way of telling me we’re done after tonight.”

His eyebrows jerked upwards. “Hell, no. I always like to be up front about things.”

“Duly noted.” She finished the last swallow of her wine. “So, tell me about your work back in Montana.”

Lexie listened with fascination to his stories about working on the Hart Brothers Ranch. About the shop Dusty had bought for his mother. About growing up in Montana. Before she realized it, only a handful of people remained in the restaurant.

“Guess I need to get the check,” Killian commented. “Don’t want to wear out my welcome. I sure plan to eat here again.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

Killian paid the check then stood up and waited for her to slide from the booth. While they walked to the SUV, he kept his hand on her arm. He moved to open the door, and Lexie missed the warmth of the contact at once. He again helped her into the seat and buckled her belt for her. When his face was so close to hers she could feel his breath on her cheeks, he leaned forward that last little bit. She held her breath, waiting to see if he’d move away again. But no, he pressed his lips gently against hers in the briefest of kisses. Still, even with light contact, the heat it created set her blood to boiling, and the pulse in her pussy was beating with long-suppressed need.

Without thinking, she opened her mouth slightly, and Killian’s tongue swept in like a sword of flames. The kiss was so intense it stole her breath, but she never thought to break away. At last he lifted his head and looked at her with ravenous hunger blazing in his eyes. And mixed with that, a look of stunned surprise that matched her own, shock at the connection they made.

Oh, lordy!

He stared for another long minute before closing her door and jogging around to the driver’s side. They were both silent on the drive back to her place. When he walked her up the stairs to her door, he kept his hand on her as if needing to maintain contact. On the landing, he turned her to face him.

“I’m not coming in, Lexie. I’d like to think I’m too much of a gentleman to act on what I want to do with you on our first date. But, trust me, there will be others. So, if you want me to stay away, now would be the time to tell me.”

Her heart pounded so loud she was sure he could hear it. “I want to see you again.” The words were a whisper.

“All right, then.”

Killian pulled her into his arms and cupped her head with one large hand. His scent surrounded her as did the strength of his body. When he pressed her to him, she could feel the unmistakable bulge of his cock through the thick denim. It pressed hard against her mound, the contact causing a flood of moisture to her panties. Could he smell the fragrance of her arousal?

This kiss was deeper than the other, more intimate. He licked every inch of the inner surface of her mouth, brushing his tongue over hers in an erotic dance that made her weak with wanting. She clutched his arms, fingers tightening on ropes of hard muscle, the heat of his body scorching her hands. She had an insane desire to rip off his clothes so she could run her hands all over his naked body. At the point where she had forgotten to breathe, he lifted his head. The shimmer in his eyes told her he was as affected as she was.

“See you tomorrow.” His voice was thick with desire. “Keep my cinnamon buns warm.”

“Of course.” But she wasn’t thinking of pastry then. “See you.”

He waited until she was inside and had turned the lock. When she heard him jogging down the stairs, she leaned against the closed door and exhaled. Well! One evening with Killian Walker and she knew the man should come with a Danger sign. She touched her fingertips to her lips, remembering the pressure of his mouth, the hot sweep of his tongue. She hugged herself, pretending she could still feel his body pressed to hers.

For a brief moment, she had thought of inviting him inside, especially after those incendiary kisses. Then one of her frozen brain cells kicked in, and she forced the thought back. Not after one date, her inner voice shouted.

Tomorrow night, she told herself. The week would go by too fast, and she didn’t want to waste a minute of it. She desperately needed affirmation from this man that she was desirable and appealing. That she appealed to him. Oh, she was ready to go wild, all right. For one week she could let loose. At least she’d have the memories. Afterward? Who knew what would happen.