Chapter 14

Then he got busy, lapping and licking, pulling her swollen clit into his mouth and tormenting it with his teeth and his tongue. As he sucked and nipped Lexie gripped his hair, holding on for dear life. He loved the sexy little sounds she made and the way her body responded to him. She tasted better than the finest drink he’d ever had, and he lapped every wet inch of her.

When he sensed her climax was near, he eased two fingers inside her hot channel, then three, sliding them in and out while he continued to torment her clit. And then she exploded, pushing herself up to him, crying out her pleasure. The walls of her pussy gripped his fingers and spasmed around them as she drenched them with her juices. When he sensed the release slowing, he drove her up again, once more taking her over the top, relishing her shouts of satisfaction. He kept his fingers inside her, stroking her inner walls, until the last spasm finally subsided and she went limp beneath his touch.

He scattered kisses over her inner thighs, the top of her mound, her belly, working his way up to taking her mouth again.

“Taste yourself on me, sweet girl,” he murmured. “Best juice in the entire world.”

He brushed her hair away from her forehead and placed his lips on hers, rubbing them lightly back and forth. When she opened her mouth slightly, he slipped his tongue inside and slid it lazily around. He wanted to capture this moment forever, this unexpected feeling sliding everywhere through him. What they had done—what they were about to do—would permanently impact his life in some way.

But no way was he going to stop. Not when he wanted his cock inside her more than he wanted his next breath.

“You doing okay, darlin’?” he asked.

“Mm hmm.” Her sweet lips curved in a little smile. “But we aren’t done yet, are we?”

His laugh was low and hungry. “Not by a long shot. Hold on a sec.”

He’d meant to take the condoms out of his wallet and put them on the nightstand within easy reach. That was before they ended up stark naked in the living room and he’d carried her away to the bed.

“Where are you going?” She frowned as he strode toward the other room.

“Just taking care of a little business. But don’t worry, I’ll be right back.”

He was as good as his word, dropping two foil packets on the nightstand, ripping open a third, and swiftly sheathing himself.

Lexie looked from the nightstand to him, a grin teasing her lips. “You plan on being that busy tonight?”

“I like to be prepared.”

Then he was over her again, back kneeling between her thighs. When he lifted her legs and bent them at the knee to spread them wide, he gave a small grunt of satisfaction to see she was still so wet. She’d need it to take the full size of him.

Gripping his thick shaft in the fingers of one hand, he nudged her opening with the inflamed head. Her slickness eased his way as he pushed gently into her, pausing every few seconds. He knew he was stretching her, hoped he’d prepared her so her passage was relaxed enough to absorb the width of him. Slowly, slowly he eased in more, watching her face for signs of distress, feeling her body’s response. When he was fully seated inside her, he stopped to take a breath, closing his eyes to reach for control. With her inner walls gripping him in a hot, viselike clutch, it took every bit of self-restraint not to pound into her.

Bracing himself on his knees, he began the familiar, steady in-and-out movement, thrust and retreat, each slide easier than the last as her body opened to him more and more. Lexie wrapped her legs around his waist, digging her heels into the small of his back as she locked herself to him.

“Look at me, darlin’.” Killian spoke in a thick, hoarse voice. “I plan to take you on the ride of your life.”

That was exactly what he did, driving in and out of her in a steady rhythm that rocked them both. Faster, he went, and harder, plunging deeper and deeper as Lexie kept them locked together. He gritted his teeth, hanging on by a thread, until he felt her body tighten around him, her cries grow louder, her heels press harder into his back.

“Now, darlin’.” He barely got the words out, holding onto himself until he felt her body give in to its release.

The explosion was intense, the climax gripping him and shaking him like a leaf in the wind. Beneath him, plastered to his body, Lexie took the wild ride with him. They shuddered together as spasms racked them, spinning out into a black-velvet void, cartwheeling in an explosion of fireworks until the very last of the tremors had died away. Little by little, Killian came back to himself, his breathing evening out. The silence in the room was broken only by the raspy sounds as they both drew air into their lungs.

He braced himself on his forearms, loving the flush of pleasure on her face and the gleam of satisfaction in her heavy-lidded eyes. He gave her a soft, gentle kiss, and when he was sure he could move again, he slowly eased himself from her body.

“Be right back,” he told her, brushing his mouth over hers.

In her small bathroom, he disposed of the condom and washed his hands. He looked at himself in the mirror, staring at the flush of pleasure still darkening his face. At the glow of sexual satisfaction in his eyes. The orgasm was more than just the most stupendous he could ever remember. It had satisfied something, touched something deep inside him, and he knew, whatever happened, he would never be the same again.

A week, he told himself. One week. He still had no idea what would happen then. He still had no intention of staying in Red Creek. He had plans. Would he feel guilty leaving? Could he walk away from Lexie Choate as he’d walked away from other women? Lexie was way beyond other women.

Would she come with him back to Montana? Would she—

Stop it, cowboy. Don’t get ahead of yourself here. He splashed water on his face, dried it on one of her fancy little towels, and headed back into the bedroom. Lexie was lying there exactly as he’d left her, her mouth curved in a tiny smile of satisfaction. He climbed in beside her and pulled her into his arms, lazily stroking his hand up and down her spine, loving the silky feel of her skin.

She sighed and nestled her head against his shoulder. “That was…beyond wonderful.”

He gave a low chuckle. “Just so you know, we’re not done yet.”

She cuddled closer to hm. “Just so you know, I didn’t think we were.”