Chapter 2

Very reluctantly, Killian had made use of the first-class ticket the attorney had left and flown here to Red Creek, Kansas. Where he'd received the next biggest shock of his life, meeting his half-brothers. When he and his half-brothers had seen each other for the first time, they were stunned into silence, warily watching each other.

The attorney rattled the papers in his hand. "As I told you, Dusty and his wife Theresa were killed in an auto accident. We're told they died instantly. It was a very sad day." He looked from one to the other. "So, if there are no more questions, I'll begin reading the key points in the will." He waited a few seconds, meeting each of their gazes.

"Yeah, I've got one." Rogue looked at his brothers. "How did he...?" He held up a hand. "Let me rephrase that. Why? Why four families in four different states?"