Chapter 14

Then he got busy, lapping and licking, pulling her swollen clit into his mouth and tormenting it with his teeth and his tongue. As he sucked and nipped Lexie gripped his hair, holding on for dear life. He loved the sexy little sounds she made and the way her body responded to him. She tasted better than the finest drink he'd ever had, and he lapped every wet inch of her.

When he sensed her climax was near, he eased two fingers inside her hot channel, then three, sliding them in and out while he continued to torment her clit. And then she exploded, pushing herself up to him, crying out her pleasure. The walls of her pussy gripped his fingers and spasmed around them as she drenched them with her juices. When he sensed the release slowing, he drove her up again, once more taking her over the top, relishing her shouts of satisfaction. He kept his fingers inside her, stroking her inner walls, until the last spasm finally subsided and she went limp beneath his touch.