Chapter 6

I looked over towards the source of the sound. At the entrance of the 3rd floor, an old man who had white hair, white brows, and a white beard was staring me.

I knew that he was an elder who guarded the Martial Skill Building. Although he seemed to be almost a hundred years old, the elder's strength was very strong.

"Thank you for your reminder, but I have my own plans." After respectfully saluting to the elder, I walked in while thinking 'if it wasn't because you would help in me future I would have curse you'

"Ahh, another arrogant disciple." The elder who was guarding shook his head with disappointment.

He had seen many disciples just like Chu Feng and most of them ended in failure. The ones that failed lightly fixed their ways, but the ones that failed heavily completely walked on the wrong path and forfeited their good future.

But even so, when the elder saw a new face coming in, he would kindly remind them to avoid any more disciples going on the wrong path.

I walked around on the 3rd level, and I quickly picked a skill book that I know is strongest and brought it up to the elder to register it.

"Are you sure you want to train in this Illusionary Palm?" The elder looked at me with doubt.

"Mm." I smiled and nodded.

"Did you look over the description of this skill?" The elder continued to ask.

"I have seen it." I smiled once again while thinking'Damn, just registered'

"Yet you still choose it? This is the hardest one in the entire Martial Skill Building." The elder really did not understand.

"This is exactly the one that I want to train in." I still hung smile on my face.

"Sigh, the youth these days really don't know their limits." The elder sighed, but he still registered for me. After giving back the skill book, he added, "Remember to know what point to stop."

Chu Feng nodded


But just as I turned around, a familiar body rubbed his shoulder and passed. It was Duan Yuxuan and his face was extremely ugly.

So I stop and look to the elder and said to him "Hy elder?"


"why don't you say anything to him? like' I recommend that you don't bite off more than you can chew. The skills in here are not suited for you.' "

He was speechless

I said in low voice "Chichè " and leave

I walked to the next floor. I really wanted to start training.

The 4th floor was the same as the 1st: It was also overcrowded. The new disciples were currently choosing the skill books so these were the older disciples.

I looked over. Although it was said to be a floor, it could be better said to be a martial arts training ground. There were at least a thousand people training with mechanisms and their yelling extended in all directions. It was quite spectacular.

Also, other than the thousands of mechanisms in the main hall, there were countless private rooms which were also for training.

It was a pretty good design. The ones that liked to be lively could join in with the people in the main hall and they could help each other as they sparred.

The ones who enjoyed the silence could choose a private room and train there by themselves. After the stone door closed, they would be isolated from all the disturbances.

with that I thought come to my mind

'I can bring a sister into private room to learn dual Cultivate way'

I went straight to the 6th floor. It was similar to the 3rd floor but it was a lot more quiet. There were also a lot more places for training.

Chu Feng entered a private room.

The mechanism pillar was made out of steel and wood so it was extremely sturdy. If it was attacked, it would automatically dodge.

The dodging speed changed according to the opponent's attacking speed. Unless one perfected in cultivating a martial skill, it was very hard to damage it, thus it was the best equipment for training.

"Illusionary Palm. Using the power of the wind from the palm to formlessly control the enemy."

I looked over the cultivating method for the Illusionary Palm. Then, I went in front of the mechanism pillar.

*whoosh whoosh* I suddenly extended my hands and I saw that my palm created two traces. They attacked towards two points on the mechanism pillar.

*swoosh swoosh* But just as they were going to land, the pillar swayed left and right, dodging my attack with lightning speed.

At that instant, I laugh and said" I forget about this."


As there was nothing else to do so From that day forth, other than eating and sleeping, I would always be in the Martial Skill Building and I trained non-stop because this was Cultivation world in this lower realm there was nothing to do.

So, after training for a while, I slowly understood the nature of the two skills.

The Three Thunder Styles. It was extremely tough and fierce. It was as fast as lightning, and as strong as thunder. Every move and every style could take the life of the enemy, and it was very mighty.

The Illusionary Palm. It was actually the complete opposite. Replacing the reality and attacking when they get caught off guard.

Although it wasn't as valiant as the Three Thunder Styles, it was still quite the skill and they were different in their own ways.

After a good ten days of good meals and sleeping, I finally grasped the two types of skills.

Although it couldn't be far fetch say that I perfected the Illusionary Palm, there wasn't much difference to it. On the other hand, I only successfully trained in the first two style of the Three Thunder Styles.

But even so, when I successfully used the 2nd style, I was shocked by the strong power it was my first skill .

On the 3rd floor in the Martial Skill Building. The elder who guarded was still the same and I was returning the Illusionary Palm.

"What, did you reach a dead end?" The elder looked at me with a bit of mock in his eyes and the corner of his mouth showed that he was a bit proud of himself.

I did not reply and just smiled. But in my heart I just want to reap off his head but his Cultivation was higher then mine so control..

"Go to the 1st floor and start from the rank 1 skills…" Taking back the skill book, the elder reminded with goodwill.

"Thank you elder." I said and took my leave.

"He knows when to back off, so he still understands a bit." Looking at the departing back of Chu Feng, the elder nodded.

The Martial Skill Building was not open for the entire day. When the sun setted, the Martial Skill Building would close, and at that time, all the elder guards would need to check the skill books and the mechanisms.

"What's this fuss about that needs me to personally go and see?"

"Elder Ouyang, you have to check this out. I haven't seen such a strong disciple in such a long time."

On the staircase, a middle-aged man was leading a white-haired elder and they were heading towards a private room on the 6th floor.

Within the private room, the indestructible mechanism pillar was full of dents and it was almost able to be scraped.

As he saw at the mechanism pillar, the white-haired elder's face became extremely heavy and he looked at it carefully.

"This is…" But as he found out that there were shallow palm marks one after the other on the mechanism and it was totally broken, he couldn't help but be astonished.

With his experience, he could instantly tell that the pillar was damaged by the Illusionary Palm. But in the inner court, there were very few disciples that could train the Illusionary Palm to that degree.

Also, those who were able to already left to experience the outside world and pretty much none of them remained in the Martial Skill Building to train.

After some deep thinking, the eyes of the elder suddenly lit up and he said with shock, "Don't tell me it's him?"

if I was here I could say
